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The e-commerce.

Thumbnail images not working


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I have asked this question before but did not get any help - I am really hoping that someone can help me with this please. In the default installation of osCommerce one of the products has multiple images which display as thumbnails. But when I upload more than one image it just displays as a large image instead of as thumbnails. I have not made any alterations to the code and all I am doing is uploading extra images. I have attached two screenshots - one of an OSC default product and one of mine.


Any help out there please? I have been trying to fix this for weeks now.






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I have finally discovered why it was not working. First up I uninstalled that add-on as it was useless. Then I added a third large image and voila - the thumbnails appeared. So it seems that if you only have two large images it displays both of them at their large size. You need three large images for the thumbnails to be displayed correctly. 

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