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How to turn STS HTML template to Bootstrap?


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I have just installed the osc-2.3.4 fork Bootstrap edition from Gary Burton which is excellent.


I currently run an old osc 2.2 ms2 store with a HTML template running under STS.


Has anyone any ideas as to how I can get my HTML looking the same in Bootstrap, which files need changing etc or anywhere online that does conversions.



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Just looking at some training vids on Lynda.com


Is this Bootstrap 2 or Bootstrap 3 in your osc 2.3.4 version?


Which are the main files I need to be looking at to change the appearance please?

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What you're asking is to make STS Bootstrap-enabled. That will not be a minor task. If the author is considering doing this, I would think that they would wait until 2.3.5 (or 2.4) is released and the official osC target is fairly stable. It is complicated by the fact that STS appears to have stopped development at osC 2.2 RC2a, and is not yet osC 2.3 compatible.


The easiest way to change the appearance would be to use something like ThemeRoller, although I would caution that you should check first whether it's Bootstrap compatible. It might not be.

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No, I just want to know which files I need to edit in order for me to make my bootstrap template look like my old STS HTML template in appearance. Not a clone, just a similar look.

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The Bootstrap theme is in /ext/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css. There are several web-based theme generators that will help you make one that matches your old site. There's also a Bootstrap version of Theme Switcher if you want to be able to swap themes easily and quickly.


You will probably need to change more than just the theme. Some of these changes can be made with the various modules and their settings in your osCommerce admin. Others may take code changes. As several people have already said, it's impossible to be more precise without seeing your old site.




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As Jim already mentioned the Bootstrap theme is inside that css file and also within the code of the files itself.

To change that theme you need to change the css definitions or/and some of the core code.

You should not touch the main bootstrap css files since they contain some vital stuff to make Bootstrap responsive and what not.

Then there is the custom.css file which contains css definitions that are for the osC shop.

Then there is the user.css which should be the one you should use. That file is empty and is meant to overwrite the others.


the bootstrap.min.css contains a css definition, let's call it .test and that contains a color code like this #ff0000 (red) then inside the custom.css you find the same class but this time it says #00000 (black) so this will overwrite the red color. But you don't want black nor red but yellow then you open your user.css file and add this


.test {

 color: #ffff00;



so this css definition inside that user.css will overwrite the other previous two from the bootstrap.min.css and the one from custom.css

Make sense so far?

Now what you need is to learn how the Bootstrap stuff is build and what css definitions are used to show this and that.

In this following topic you can see some links that might be of interest for you.




If you just want to have light changes you could install the theme switcher addon as Jim mentioned or there are some commercial templates available that change your shops appearance but you wanted to have it similar to your current shop so I doubt that is the way for you.


Either way, good luck and happy coding! ;)

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And we never got to see the site to give better advice.


There are many .css files within the bootstrap version where every colour, curve background and what ever are defined. What you have to do is to find the definition you want to change and add the changes you have made into the user.css file. There are several tools available to make this easier if you look around the internet.


You can also position many objects in different places by using the relevant area within the admin area of your site. As you say, you really need rp play and tinker with the positioning sort orders to see what they really do.


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