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Categories / Products (Move, Copy, Delete) Not Working


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So, a bit of an odd one here: 


We recently renovated an old OSC 2.2 site, dragging it up to the latest version. Now that it's done, I'm having weird problems with the categories.php page concerning product moves, copies and deletes. On my end, it all works just fine, both on my local install and on the live server version. 


For the client, it doesn't seem to work well at all. The copy function works only sometimes, and when it doesn't, it's not for any obvious reason. Essentially, when it fails, the copy process just doesn't create anything at all. It falls flat completely. This doesn't seem to happen to any one particular kind of product over any other, though they suspect it has to do with the green status of the product vs red status ones. And again, no problems at all when I visit the same site, and do the same things from my own IP / computer.


What do you guys suggest? Is there an obvious reason it would work for me and not them? How do I best test what's happening here? 




I believe we've isolated it to the search function. Performing a search for an item, and then attempting to copy it, makes the copy box display only "Top" as the current category, and then it fails to copy the actual product. I'm still looking, but that might give a better direction to work with! 

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Alright, after working on this all day, here's where I'm at: 


Everything but the first loaded item works correctly. In other words, I can now copy, move, delete whatever as long as that item is not the first loaded item. So, let's say I perform a search for "Chocolate Ice Cream" and the tub I want is the first one loaded at the top of my search list. That search-generated info box doesn't seem to pull the correct information after that: Delete doesn't list a product to delete, categories are only listed as "Top," move shows no current category. 


So, my question is this: What controls that first product, and how would you suggest troubleshooting it? I'm so close to being done, and I just want to be there! 

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I'm sorry to keep making threads I end up answering, but in this case . . . it's not entirely me answering it! Here's the fix, as described elsewhere. Finally managed to track this one down. Long story short, if you can't move, copy, or edit categories—seemingly at random—check those URLs. This is probably a problem: 



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