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IE / Internet Explorer SSL login.php redirect without logging customer in


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Alight.....I have had this new issue with my customer's typing in VALID usernames and passwords using IE and droid browsers and they get sent to index.php or login.php and they are not logged in. My logs show "customer logged in" 3 or 4 at a time and I know something was wrong.


I just updated from a original 2.2 and everything I read was pointing to the following lines in includes/configure.php being the issue...

  define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'mydomain.com');
  define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'mydomain.com');
  define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');
  define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/');

I tried .mydomain.com and www.mydomain and nothing worked.




It should not of taken so long but the more google searching for sessions and cookies got me farther from the answer I think was the issue from the beginning!


Take a look at the URL and see if the osCsid is listed....if so now look at your html source code for the page you would see...


<form name="login" action="https://www.mydomain.com/login.php?action=process&osCsid=f1562c816cbe858f5077695dcdea4de2"method="post">


(your session ids will be different clearly f1562c816cbe858f5077695dcdea4de2)


well.....I just quickly hardcoded it to be ...


<form name="login" action="https://www.mydomain.com/login.php?action=process"method="post">


and guess what?!?! IE and droid browser users can log right in even with the osCsid link listed.


Post some feedback if it did or didn't help you. I tried to update a post from a few years ago but they were closed.


Happy Coding!


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