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Missing htpasswd file


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I recently moved my websote from one vendor to another vendor.  After all the migration and other technical issues were completed, I was unable to log into my webstore.  According to my new host......."we were able to investigate into the matter as to why your admin login page is returning an Internal Server Error upon attempted login. This may be due to a missing .htpasswd file, as indicated by the following line in the error logs:

No such file or directory: Could not open password file: /usr/share/phpmyadmin/.htpasswd"


I need assistance on how to restore the missing htpasswd file

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My first advice would be to try using your hosting control panel's "password protect directory" mechanism, rather than trying to manually set it up yourself. This may mean removing any htpasswd-related entries in your existing .htaccess. If you get the protection working, but osC insists on giving you a warning that there is no protection, you can remove the code that checks for a certain setup (it's been discussed before -- search for it).


If you do need to set it up yourself, you will need to check all your paths carefully -- for example, /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ may not exist on your new system, or may not be writable by you, and you would need to put the .htpasswd file elsewhere (see what your host suggests).

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