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The e-commerce.

Credit Commerce site?

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Hi, as you can see by the number of posts, I am the new guy.  I have had my own website for 18 years and I have always envisioned a certain way how my web site should look, but do to technology, I haven't been able to design the site the way I want.  I design 100's hockey drills for 1000's of coaches worldwide in 50 different countries, but the drills are all in English.  But I have always wanted the user to buy drills one at a time, rather than an annual membership.  People don't like parting with their money all at once for drills.  Plus, if they buy a drills for a penny, it doesn't make sense to use a credit card because the costs for the credit cards for the user and I are crazy...especially for 1 drill.


But last august, I came across a website called 123rf.com  It allowed me to spend $20.00 for so many credits in which I was able to buy pictures for 4 credits each.  This is exactly what I have been looking for.  Now, my question is...Is there a WYSIWYG software that I can incorporate into my site?  Is there a certain name for this kind of ecommerce site?  Please see the attached photo of this 123rf site with credits.


Thanks for your help in advance!



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Maybe try looking for coupon and gift card add-ons to osC. I take it that the idea is to drop some amount of $$ on credits to spend a little at a time? If you can find a gift card that is automatically available and applied each time a registered customer signs on, that might fit the bill (rename it to "store credit account" or something like that). Make it clear that a customer can always get a full refund of the unspent balance at any time.

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