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Blank page when press continue from create_account.php


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When I try to create new account I get blank page after filling out form(correctly) and pressing the continue button.


I get the following php error:



session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id
 - headers already sent in /customers/e/5/7/pokie.se/httpd.www/shop1/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 185


Cannot modify header information
 - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/e/5/7/pokie.se/httpd.www/shop1/includes/languages/swedish/create_account.php:1)
in /customers/e/5/7/pokie.se/httpd.www/shop1/includes/functions/general.php on line 50



I dont know whats wrong but I am guessing something in sessions.php, create_account.php or general.php is not right?

Could this be a problem witt SSL being turned off on my server?

I do have an addon that have some code regarding line 50 in general.php

"ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 PRO by FWR Media"


I have attached the files mentioned in the warnings


EDIT: might be good to know that the account is created and if I go back to the store I am logged in.
So the problem is with the create_account not going forward to success page




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I solved this one after 1,5h of googling




in the very top off my general.php after <?php


not 100% sure of what this does but now it works and no errors :P

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That's unlikely to be the correct fix. According to your first post, something made text output to the browser at around sessions.php line 185, and possibly also at create_account.php line 1. I'm quite sure that nothing on line 1 of (the language file) create_account.php should be outputting anything, so either you've been hacked, or more likely you have some trash on that line, such as a blank line, or a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark. Did you edit language files in UTF-8 mode? If you did, you probably used the editor incorrectly and allowed it to save the file with a Byte Order Mark. You should always be careful to specify saving without the BOM. I don't know about sessions.php, as you don't tell us what version of osC you're using. Anyway, take a careful look at create_account.php and fix it, take out your ob_start() fix, and see if you still have troubles.

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That's unlikely to be the correct fix. According to your first post, something made text output to the browser at around sessions.php line 185, and possibly also at create_account.php line 1. I'm quite sure that nothing on line 1 of (the language file) create_account.php should be outputting anything, so either you've been hacked, or more likely you have some trash on that line, such as a blank line, or a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark. Did you edit language files in UTF-8 mode? If you did, you probably used the editor incorrectly and allowed it to save the file with a Byte Order Mark. You should always be careful to specify saving without the BOM. I don't know about sessions.php, as you don't tell us what version of osC you're using. Anyway, take a careful look at create_account.php and fix it, take out your ob_start() fix, and see if you still have troubles.


Thanks for your input.

I tried and save the create_account.php without BOM and now the site works fine without the ob_start(); now :)

And yes, I do edit my files in UTF-8 .. so I should alwways save without BOM on UTF-8?



I am using osc 2.3.4

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