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Giftwrapping for osC GOLD and normal

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Don't ask me why I did this module I was just curious to see if I could accomplish it or not.

And I felt that the current existing addons require way too many code changes.


I created a simple, just basics, Giftwrapping module based on the COD Fee module.

Installation is very, very simple. Database changes are done automatically with the installation/un-installation of the module.

You find more instructions regarding this feature inside the install manual.

This module works for both versions of osC, normal and bootstrap.


Be aware that this is just a alpha, beta....well.....you know.....a test version. So please test this well before using on a live store.

If you have ideas for improvements please share here in this topic.


I hope I didn't forget to mention anything important. And if you find any typos just post here. Thank you.





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Not sure but this should fix it.


For Bootstrap users only:





<!-- BOF GIFTWRAP //-->
<div class="alert alert-success">
        <?php echo '<i class="fa fa-gift fa-2x"> </i><strong>' . TEXT_GIFTWRAP . '</strong><br><small>' . TEXT_HAVE_YOUR_ORDER_GIFT_WRAPPED .'</small>'; ?>
        <?php echo '<div style="float:right;">' . tep_draw_checkbox_field('gift_wrap', '1', (($gift_wrap == 'true') ? true : false), 'onclick="checkBox(\'gift_wrap\')"'); ?>
<!-- EOF GIFTWRAP //-->


<!-- BOF GIFTWRAP //-->
<div class="alert alert-success">
        <?php echo '<i class="fa fa-gift fa-2x"> </i><strong>' . TEXT_GIFTWRAP . '</strong><br><small>' . TEXT_HAVE_YOUR_ORDER_GIFT_WRAPPED .'</small>'; ?>
        <?php echo '<div style="float:right;">' . tep_draw_checkbox_field('gift_wrap', '1', false) . '</div>'; ?>
<!-- EOF GIFTWRAP //-->
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Hi Lambros


Thought Id give this module a go, However I got the following message when trying to install thru admin


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/grandp/public_html/BS234/includes/modules/order_total/ot_giftwrap.php:1) in /home/grandp/public_html/BS234/ADMIN/includes/functions/general.php on line 38


Any thoughts.






Using latest BS234 download from GitHub

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Hi John


I just installed it on my live server test shop and when installing I don't get anything just a blank page and when I click the back button on my mouse or browser it shows the module installed. Same goes when uninstalling.

That doesn't mean that it is working because it is not suppose to install like that but in your case you must have either a Error message addon or you added this to your application top file

  // Set the level of error reporting
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

I added the above code to my appliaction_top.php file in the admin to see that error and any other error, and holy shit! I get all kinds of errors and that on a fresh install of osC.

For example



Notice: Undefined variable: SID in /home/xxxx/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/demo1/admin/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 48


no clue what that is and if it can be ignored but here is a topic about it.




Anyway, for the life of me I cannot find the reason for this behaviour. I looked at it over and over again. Compared with the cod fee module and also other modules. There is nothing wrong that I can see. Maybe someone else would be so kind and look at this giftwrap module and tell us why it is not installing normally.

I had no issues at all with it on my local server though. Install/Uninstall went fine.


It also says ot_giftwrap.php:1 that would be line 1 of the file which is...<?php

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It was brought to my attention that if you save files in UTF-8 encoding you might get problems.

Both module files (module + lang file) were saved as UTF-8 and not "UTF-8 without BOM"!

So just open both files with Notepad++ or whatever you use and change the encoding to UTF-8 without BOM


Thanks @@burt for pointing it out! :thumbsup:

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Hi Lambros


The above files install with no problems (no nasty messages) looks really good.Well done.

However, all appears on checking_shipping.php

Giftwrap Service
Have your products gift wrapped. with the check box of to the right, but when ticking it and going to checkout nothing is charged, or shows

I have checked that the sort order number is lower than the order total sort number, not sure what to do. I have checked everything but must have missed something.





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Hi lambros


I have the same sort order as you have above, still doesn't want to work.


One thing I do have but doubt that it would make a diff, is I do use a shipping  Zone, which is set up to only allow shipping within NZ. and the addon Store Pick Up.





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Hi Lambros


You don't see any charges inside the checkout_confirmation page?  No None.


And you did apply the bootstrap fix from post #3.  Yes


Surely others must have tried this addon. I think its pretty much a must have.





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Hmmm, that is strange. You did apply all changes of code to the checkout_shipping.php and checkout_process.php right?


You can take a look at my test shop here. Check Shop


Test account login is

username: test at test dot com (can't write the mail address here since it thinks i am mentioning a member)

psw: 123456

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Hi Lambros


Your site works just fine. Don't know what Ive done, but must have missed something.


Ive taken the liberty of sending you a PM


Many thanks



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Hey Lambros


Regarding your post #19


Do you just simply upload the new package or does the previous package need to be completley uninstalled, including the DB





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Uninstall the module first then replace the ot_giftwrap.php files. Don't forget to replace the one from the language folder too.

Then look at the install manual and copy the code from Step 1e to your checkout_shipping.php and add the new language definition into the english/checkout_shipping.php


Then install the module again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The installation for this file says this as step one:


STEP 1.) catalog/checkout_shipping.php

STEP 1a.)
FIND: (around line 109)

if (!tep_session_is_registered('shipping')) tep_session_register('shipping');


 if (!tep_session_is_registered('gift_wrap')) tep_session_register('gift_wrap');
      $gift_wrap = isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['gift_wrap']) ? true : false;



BUT the file actually has this: 

    if (!isset($_SESSION['shipping'])) tep_session_register('shipping');

Is this mod written for a different version of Gold BS?

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Just downloaded a fresh copy of GOLD and the code is there as mentioned in the manual. So either you are looking at a different file or the wrong place?

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