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Member Approval Install Problem with email to member


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I have installed "Member Approval v1.5.1" onto a premium osc template that I purchased, everything works exactly as it should, the only issue is that when a user registers to get an approved account, the user gets TWO emails: 1. the welcome email (that states that his application is being reviewed) and the user also gets 2. the same exact email that gets sent to the website admin that reads that new user has submitted an application (which should NOT be happening) all users that register should ONLY get email no. 1. and NOT both. The administrator however DOES only get email no. 2 which is correct.


Can someone take a look at the attached and let me know what the fix is? Keep in in mind that this template I am using consolidated both the "create_account.php" and "login.php" files into one file so I think the mix-up here might just be near line 406.


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