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Changing Checkout Email osc2.3.4


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I need gender of customer in confirmation email.

In catalog/checkout_process.php there is around line 85:


'customers_name' => $order->customer['firstname']

for first name.

How to add for gender?


If that is not possible, how to query in DB?




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I would say that the correct way would be to modify the cart() and query() functions in includes/classes/order.php to fetch this data. Then modify checkout_process.php to persist it. This would require modifying the orders table structure in the database though.


The code just to get the gender would be something like


$customer_query = tep_db_query("SELECT customers_gender FROM " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " WHERE customers_id = '" . (int)$customer_id . "'");
$customer_data = tep_db_fetch_array($customer_query);
$customer_gender = $customer_data['customers_gender'];

Always back up before making changes.

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