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"Log In with PayPal" Security Update Microsite

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Hi All, I've put this in its own thread - not knowing exactly where it may belong (maybe in the iOSC support thread or maybe the Login with PayPal thread - I couldn't find an official specific Login with PayPal thread?)


I'm wondering if anyone else has received a warning from PayPal that you have an issue with the uri's.... https://ppmts.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1290


Specifically I believe it may be because of iOSC.


@@raiwa Rainer have you receive any other reports like below:



Our records indicate that within your integration, your Return URL registered in the PayPal developer portal does not match the redirect_uri parameter passed to PayPal at runtime:
•    Your registered URL: https://www.mysite.com/ext/modules/payment/paypal/login.php
•    A sample runtime redirect_uri: https://www.mysite.com/mobile/login.php?action=paypal_login


I have my URL return address in my PayPal api settings set to;



Looking at the \mobile\includes\modules\content\cm_paypay_login.php on line 104 we have the return url as;

      $return_url = tep_mobile_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL');

Which would translate to;



So, 1) My guess is this is causing some confusion... And should be;

     $return_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL');

and 2) My return url registered at PP in my API settings should be;

 NOT (as mentioned above)


Can anyone confirm - what should the Login with PayPal return URL be?

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Hi All, I've put this in its own thread - not knowing exactly where it may belong (maybe in the iOSC support thread or maybe the Login with PayPal thread - I couldn't find an official specific Login with PayPal thread?)


I'm wondering if anyone else has received a warning from PayPal that you have an issue with the uri's.... https://ppmts.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1290


Specifically I believe it may be because of iOSC.


@@raiwa Rainer have you receive any other reports like below:



I have my URL return address in my PayPal api settings set to;



Looking at the \mobile\includes\modules\content\cm_paypay_login.php on line 104 we have the return url as;

      $return_url = tep_mobile_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL');

Which would translate to;



So, 1) My guess is this is causing some confusion... And should be;

     $return_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL');

and 2) My return url registered at PP in my API settings should be;

 NOT (as mentioned above)


Can anyone confirm - what should the Login with PayPal return URL be?


Hello Scott @@greasemonkey,


Yes, it's known. It is just that there is only one return URL possible for the paypal login app which is the main URL.

My experience is that it seems to work correct apart of the advice, because the OsCommerce PayPal App overwrites the default return URL introduced in the paypal login app.

tep_href_link and tep_mobile_link produces the same URL, no worries about.




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@@raiwa hank you kindly Rainer.


Can you confirm the return url is correct?


$return_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL');

is correct, it will be the mobile URL if used from mobile and the main URL if used from the main store.

Maybe the return URL defined at PayPal in the login with PayPal app could be left empty at all, so the error message may not appear.

Didn't try this yet, but could be doable.

Edited by raiwa
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