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converting my site to utf-8


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HI there,


I was install 3 difference languages pack on my site, English (ISO-8859-1), Chinese (simplified, gb2312) (, and French(ISO-8859-1).


it was working fine and display correctly, however every time i need to add stuff to my Chinese language pack and french language pack, I need to using MS Applocal to open to application to editing with simplified Chinese, otherwise I can't read it because the file was encode in gb2312. Same same happen with my French file.


So I decide change it to utf-8 encoding on the application, and I would not have the problem for reading the file anymore. So, I change the define('CHARSET', 'gb2312'); to define('CHARSET', 'utf-8'), and converted the file to utf-8 encoding and re-enter all define to and saved the file under utf-8 encoding format. After I change all file, it read the file correctly, but it has extra white line on the top of my page. something like this


I read problem from other website, they said it is representation for the UTF-8 BOM in ISO-8859-1. So, how do I fix this problem?

Thank you


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At least two of your files had a BOM (Byte Order Mark) placed in them by your brain-dead editor. NEVER use Microsoft editors -- they insist on doing this. Once you find the offending files (the BOM will always be the very first three characters, and is invisible if viewing/editing in UTF-8), use any editor to remove them and save them. Many editors offer a choice of saving "with" or "without" BOM -- choose "without".


Once you have the BOM removed from your files, it sounds like possibly your pages are still showing in Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1). That's a separate issue. Often it means that you forgot to change the encoding given in the <language>.php file, so check that.

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