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PayPal Express redirect issue.


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I was testing the PP Express module in sandbox mode on my local server.

The checkout process works well and payment can be made. Order gets registered all is fine.

Except for some small issue with the redirect.


After I payed at PayPal with a domestic address/account I get redirected to the checkout_confirmation page.

After I payed at PayPal with a "international" address/account I get redirected directly to the checkout_success.php


I find it kinda weird that depending on address/account the redirect is different.

Any clues as to why that happens?


Running PayPal Express v3.1

Running osC 2.3.4 BS

Edited by Tsimi
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Wild guess - domestic address is getting a 'authorised' at payPal, sends you back to checkout_confirmation where you 'confirm' the purchase and PayPal gets send a 'capture'.


On international the first visit to PayPal is generating 'auth and capture' in one go sp -> checkout_success


that'd be my best bet but as for why? No idea if it is a PayPal setting or a store one.

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@@Bob Terveuren


Thanks for your reply Bob.


I changed the module to "live" mode and did some test orders and it seems to work fine now. No matter if domestic or international. Another problem mysteriously solved.

Now the next problem, well not really a "big" problem, is when I abort the payment at the paypal site and click on "cancel and back to XXXX shop" i get redirected to the shopping cart, which is OK, but it is under https and not http.

I tried to amend the express.php and paypal_express.php files by changing all shopping cart redirects from 'SSL' to 'NONSSL' but still I get redirected to https

The reason why I don't want https in the shopping cart is 1. it makes no sense, 2. when updating the products qty it gives me a security error message because it reloads the shopping cart page in http and not https.


Anyone knows what else is responsible for the redirect to https?

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  • 2 months later...


I tried to amend the express.php and paypal_express.php files by changing all shopping cart redirects from 'SSL' to 'NONSSL' but still I get redirected to https

The reason why I don't want https in the shopping cart is 1. it makes no sense, 2. when updating the products qty it gives me a security error message because it reloads the shopping cart page in http and not https.


I am still having this issue and still looking for a solution. Anyone out there knows a solution to this issue?

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Thanks for your answer Scott, appreciated.


I think too that this is a bug, at least it is with the PayPal Express v3.1 module.

I mean logically thinking, changing all SSL to NONSSL or $request_type inside "both" paypal files "should" prevent a redirect to/with SSL but it doesn't. So to solve this issue we have to put the shopping_cart page under SSL or use $request_type to be able to have both SSL and NONSSL depending on the situation.

That said, I added $request_type and it doesn't show the warning message anymore when updating the cart quantity.


Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. :thumbsup:

Edited by Tsimi
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