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The e-commerce.

strange loggin and adminpage


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I have been working with the webpage the last week. Geeting closer and closer to wat I want.


The last days I have been putting in products. During this time I have not once changed anything to the webshop.


Login in and logging out with no problem.


Today I logged in ass usuall, but this time a pop up window shows with loggin, I logg in and all the links shows "HEADER_TITLE_SUPPORT_SITE" ore " BOX_HEADING_TOOLS"


Is this something you have seen before?


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In the various "language" files, osc has defined words and sentences to replace those markers you're now seeing. For some reason, it's now not making use of those language files. If the files do not appear to have been damaged or erased (check the "last modified" timestamp on them, to see if a hacker has been in there), confirm that you are using one of the languages you have configured for your site. Maybe somehow you're off using, say, Russian, and you have no Russian language installed. However, you should get an error message somewhere telling you that osC can't load the Russian language files. Also check your configure.php files to make sure they still point to the correct language area base. And of course, check all your language files' permissions to make sure they can still be read.

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