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Is it possible to show shipping at product stage pre check out? or is it wiser to get them to check out and then spring it on them? not sure if a mod is available, a box to highlight in GEOMultizone Multitable, shipping on product or shipping on check out.

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Have a look through the addons area for something that will add the shipping estimator to the shopping cart page. There are several. All you then have to do is to make sure that you show the cart to the customer when a product is added.


I found in the past that one of the main reasons for people abandoning carts was because shipping costs were not shown before the checkout. In its standard form, the only way for a new customer to see the shipping costs is for them to create an account and checkout. Why something like this is not included as standard I have no idea.


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Problem is, unless you use the IP address as the location, the shipping modules do not know where you will be shipping to.


On our sites for instance, we have several shipping zones (mainland UK, Scottish Highlands, Eurupe, N.Ireland etc) with several shipping methods per zone, all calculated on weight.


Any shipping estimator would need to be quite complex to take all this into account

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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@@Mort-lemur The shipping estimator I installed has an area where the shopper can alter the country to where the items are to be posted, which gives an accurate cost to the selected destination. All my shipping options are based on weight, and as the estimator is only really a copy of the final shipping pages code it should work in mst cases.


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It is very desirable to show estimated shipping cost (at least, the lowest cost choice that will be offered), as well as probable taxes (sales tax, etc.). Being shocked by the cost does lead many shoppers to abandon their carts during checkout, which is a bad thing all around (you don't make the sale, and worse, your potential customer probably won't be coming back). This isn't too hard to handle if a customer with a known shipping address is shopping, but for someone without an account (such as a newcomer) it is more difficult. You can offer a range of shipping costs on the product page, as well as sales tax for if they're ordering where you have to charge tax. Showing this only in the shopping cart is a bit less desirable, but still not bad. Offering a chance to narrow down the shipping costs and taxes by giving the shopper a chance to input (or change, if a signed-on customer) their shipping address (maybe just the zip code/postal code) would be appreciated by most shoppers. You would want to stress that these shipping costs are only estimates, and could well come in lower (or sometimes a little higher) but you won't know until you see the final address and final shopping cart contents at checkout.



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I have custom code on the product page in a tab to get the shipping cost for everything in the cart, plus 1x the product being looked at.

my shipping is weight based and it allow customer to change the delivery country to get accurate cost (web is keukenlust dot be)

I don't have it wrapped up as a contribution, but did steal from shipping estimator and added stuff


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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