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Custom Admin Search Fields Searching (No Filtering)


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This might just be a case of needing a breath of fresh air, or some fresh, eyes, but I'm stuck:

I'm modifying the categories.php page to show custom product fields I've added to my site. The final step in all this is attaching new drop-down search menus to the admin panel for my custom fields. So I've got two drop-downs for my MySQL fields products_lot & products_location. Obviously, this is for warehouse lot and location.

These drop downs pull info just fine (show my lots and locations in the dropdown), but when a lot or location is selected (let's say Lot 145) it just starts listing every product it finds. No filtering! So not Lot 145, but every lot. And I'm not entirely sure why . . . It should, as far as I can tell, work like the standard functions!

TL;DR — Extra PHP should pull and filter MySQL fields based on user input via dropdown. Functions pull perfectly, but don't filter at all, resulting in endless listing of products.

Here's the code!


Any help would be appreciated. Relevant changes are marked with // Change a56e63b12621f9e2f6b547870f87d1e4d51b1c0c. You'll see some familiar add-ons in and around, too :)


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