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Google Manually Testing Merchant Center Feed/PLA Campaign Accuracy

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I got three unusual customers today using testco at gmail dot com, testca at gmail dot com, and testny at gmail dot com all ship to address Google's physical business addresses so my first time seeing they are actually testing your Merchant Center/PLA setup accuracy...I am sure that's how they are checking your shipping quote feed...

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@@clustersolutions yes - they are checking that what you have set up on google matches what you sell things for on your store (inc shipping) - if they dont match you will get suspended and a warning email.

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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@@Mort-lemur...yes, your right. My feed was suspended numerous times since Froogle because I didn't react to Google's change requirements. The good thing was the sales guys from the Adword side were helpful as they had the interest in getting the feed running again...now, I had one suspension because of watermarks on the pics and I ended up had to "convert' boatload of pics...had anyone experienced that b4 as I still see pics from other places with watermarks? I never read form the feed spec that you can't have copyright watermarks on pics, I was told by the Adword guy in my incident. I gave up on watermarks... 

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Heard that on the news last night - it is not related to your niggle with them but it will be interesting to watch what happens (maybe five years hence?).


On the watermark issue - I had this with a client at the back end of 2014 -  he got an email slapping his wrists. However his watermarl was 'on the fly' so we assumed that Google were objecting to the way the watermark was being applied - looking around it appears that it is actually because they do not want anything on their shopping pages that carries any sort of trademark or website name.


But hey - they're in it for the money (try googling 'international preferred search engines' bet the top results is not a statistical analysis)

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