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Emails aren't working


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I am not receiving any of my order emails, and contact us, and password forgotten emails aren't working either. I have the Send Email From and Send Extra Order Emails set in the Admin but that's still not working.  My Email Options are set to:


E-Mail Transport Method = sendmail
E-Mail Linefeeds = LF
Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails = false
Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS = false
Send E-Mails = true


I've compared the catalog/includes/classes/email.php, catalog/admin/includes/classes/email.php, catalog/includes/functions/general.php and the catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php with a fresh install of Oscommerce and they are exactly the same.  I have plesk and I've checked my DNS settings and according to Godaddy they are correct. I can send an email to the email address I have for my site with Godaddy so that works fine.  I just can't get any emails to work with Oscommerce. I have another site that's working fine with Oscommerce. I've even compared files with that site and everything seems to be the same.  I've been checking my spam folder also but the emails aren't going to it either. Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?

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What osCommerce version are you running?

Is the other osC shop, where the eMails work, also on a Godaddy server?

Are the eMail addresses under Configuration -> MyStore -> "E-Mail Address" and "Send Extra Order Emails to" the same?

Have you tried different eMail settings? from sendmail to smtp? or Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS = true?

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What osCommerce version are you running?

Is the other osC shop, where the eMails work, also on a Godaddy server?

Are the eMail addresses under Configuration -> MyStore -> "E-Mail Address" and "Send Extra Order Emails to" the same?

Have you tried different eMail settings? from sendmail to smtp? or Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS = true?

I am using OsCommerce 2.3.3. Both of my sites are on Godaddy.  My email addresses under Configuration -> MyStore -> "E-Mail Address" is [email protected] and the email addresses under "Send Extra Order Emails to" is Sparkle Spot <[email protected]>. but I've changed those email addresses around several times already with other email accounts and it still doesn't work. I've tried all the different setting under the Email Options too but still nothing works.  I'm not exactly sure if I'm looking in the right place, but I've gone into the server and used tail -f /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog to see if I can see any email error messages but there's nothing there either.

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If the shop email is same as the send extra order email that won't work.

You cannot send from email address 1 an email to same email address 1. Make sense?

Thank you very much! That worked. I can get emails from everywhere now except the Contact Us page. For some reason I still cannot get that to work. I am using the Enhanced Contact Us V.1.2 contribution.

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