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Meta keywords and tags.


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I am using osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.3.3 and have generated some meta keywords ,meta description etc and i am instructed as:-


Copy this text out of the generator below from the Meta tags Wizard into the HEAD part of your web-page and use Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to add it to the HTML of your page.




I have looked in index page which is in /public_html but it does not show head anywhere .


Page starts like this 


  // KissMT start
 require_once DIR_WS_MODULES . 'kiss_meta_tags/classes/kissmt_descriptions_extension.php';
Will this code i generated on this index or is it somewhere else from where it benefits my SEO .
Can any one guide please.
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If you have no idea what you're doing, I'd advise you not to try to edit code, but to find someone who knows what they're doing. The <head> section is probably in application_top.php, or in something it calls, and your HTML code will have to be adjusted to fit it into a PHP file.


By the way, a common meta keywords across all your pages is going to be pretty much useless, and may even get you penalized by search engines. Same for a common meta description across all your pages. You want them to be unique for each page.

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I think the addon you are using was written for V2.2 where the <head> sections were contained in the code for each page. That's changed with V2.3. you need to edit catalog\includes\template_top.php if you want to insert tags into the head sections of pages. You can also try this addon for header and meta tags:


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