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Help! Help! Lost my menu! Categories box broken but I don't know how or why!


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I hope someone out there can help me!  www.holidaygardaservices.com


I completely by accident and unawares changed something in my categories box file. To make matters worse, I had already deleted the server backup already not realising that something was changed. And uploading my backup from disk didn't fix it...can anyone tell me if there is a reference to the database or the root path in the includes/modules/boxes/bm_categories.php file that is put in at installation?  So wouldn't be there in my backup from the original dowload files?  Or can someone have a look at the file (attached) and see if you see anything obviously wrong?


Its a total mystery, because i didn't actually make any changes to the file -- I was looking for a way to add bullets to the categories menu in 2.3.4, and had the bm_categories.php and the language file of the same name open in the html editor, but didn't actually make any changes that I was aware of!  By accident I uploaded the language file to the includes/modules/boxes instead of the original.  I realised, and reuploaded the original, and it was still broken.  I made a backup on the server as well, but had already deleted it (having decided to not make any changes!). 


Argh!  Must have been something changed by accident with the stupid laptop mousepad that always makes my cursor jump to wierd places.  Which, of course, puts me in a terrible position because i don't know what needs to be changed back!  (I did ctrl z in the editor too, but it had recorded no changes to undo.  Wierd wierd wierd)


So anyway, I uploaded the original file from the zip of the download, certainly untouched.  But still no joy.


Gah!!!  Help!!!


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Ummm.  ermmm... red faced...the categories module had been uninstalled by someone else working on the data entry.  Totally wierd coincidence that they did that at the same time I was fussing on the bm_categories.php file.  All fixed now!  :blush: :wacko:

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