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Best way to change original layout to your website design


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U should let us know which version of the OSC? OSC default doesn't come with a template system. I could be bias, but if you are new to this go with the OSC responsive version. I installed OSC 2.3 last year and paid for a template system but it is now useless as I would only deploy responsive site today. Yeah, not to mention I had to redo everything all over again...


Based on your question, I think you may be asking on what to use to change the look of your site...you do need some kinda text editor and probably something like a Firefox/Firebug to debug the layout...others should chime in on a good PHP/HTML/CSS IDE...but I am still a vi guy...good luck!

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I have the latest OSC installed. I'm not really looking to completely change the layout. I wanted to know how to change the logo button at the top and change some of the categories, like change the names, add or delete some of the them. I've got a fair idea of how to change the images considering it looks like most of them I'll want to change are in the database. I'm more or less just learning php so all of this is quite a learning curve for me. As for where to find everything, that is another matter, everything I have seen in the files so far has been in php and in the form of functions with barely a table.

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You won't need to do much coding unless you choose too. I wouldn't bother even looking at the code until you need or want to know the detail of how a bit works.


Go online to the shop and have a look around the admin panel. Under the top entry Catalog is where you can change the category hierarchy and add/remove products and all their info.


Much of the layout is modular. Under the modules section, you'll find 'boxes' which appear in the side columns, and 'content' which appear in the header or middle sections.


The rest of the layout you can change by mucking about with the css. Firefox with firebug is a good tool for this as you can experiment, then you can use the editor of your choice on the actual file.


Before you get too far, though, there's also a community project that integrates bootstrap with osc 2.3.4 to give you a responsive layout from the start. I'll dig out the download link for you - it might be better to start from there instead.



to change the store logo, go to admin / configuration - it's at the bottom

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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For more info on responsive and normal osC, have a look at this post http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/404711-234-gold-edge-24/


If you want responsive, click the link for GOLD.

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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I have the latest OSC installed. 


That unfortunately means nothing. There are many versions floating around. Some "one button" installers can still have very old versions. Template sellers may even still have osC 2.2! Anyway, the current version is 2.3.4, which is what any new installation should be starting with. If you want a responsive layout, you can consider then upgrading to 2.3.4bs.


Your asking about using Dreamweaver tells me that you know nothing at all about PHP, CSS, and site coding. Images aren't hard to swap out for new ones, provided that you're careful to make the new ones the same size. You will want to make sure they're the right format (file extension), else you may have to change some code and/or database entries. There are some tools floating around, such as ThemeRoller, that can help you modify CSS for at least some simple changes. Beyond that, you'll have to understand HTML and CSS, and how to use a real editor (ViM, Notepad++, etc.) and FTP client to change them. For some layout changes you may even have to get into PHP coding.

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I downloaded the newest version from this site. So I would assume it safe to say it is the latest. You are right, I don't know much about this stuff, still taking classes in between literally everything else life has to throw at me. I'm not really interested in ThemeRoller yet, just want to adjust the images, names, and such to my own. Nearly everything so far has been outdated or wants me download something else.

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Yes thank you for the advice. Store logo down, a ton of images, and products to go. I know the easy way would be to save the images as the link that is already made. For a new image, is there anything I should know? What is a good size and ext. for them?

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Hmm, maybe. I was more looking to replace the product that are already there. I don't have a lot to add just a few per category. I will be doing more deleting than adding. Will this add on do that? Or would I be better off editing the original with my own by hand.

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Alright. Is there anything I should about it before I start downloading and playing around with it. I didn't quite expect to have to redo my entire website so I am in a bit a time crunch to redo all of the products and stuff.

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Go into your stores admin area and delete the categories and products there. Delete the products first then the categories. You can then create new categories then add products or sub categories to the newly create categories.


You could also go into your database and delete them there, but there are other tables that could or may be affected.


If you only have a few products and categories installing easypopulate will not be a real help. By the time you get it working correctly you could have deleted and entered the new products.


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I wish I would have thought of that or have seen the delete the products before categories before I started deleting stuff. Would it be worth editing the categories and stuff that are already there? Probably not. Thank you for your patience and advice. I'll likely be helping some of my classmates in between all of this.

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In admin - configuration - images: set small image width to 100 and leave small image height blank. For your large image try approx 6inch x 6inch. Note that these big pics may have a negaitive effect on your SEO.

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