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Oscommerce responsive Navbar with firefox

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Trying to get my new responsive site ready, I've noticed a strange behavior with the first load of the site on firefox (tried chrome and iexplore but these work okay). Also tried with other pc with the same results.


At first load of http://www.template.me.uk/234bs3/ and also on my local test server the icons on the navbar are replaced by an strange icon (see picture). Refreshing the page doesn't help, but once you click a link the gyphicons shows fine. Did someone noticed this?



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This was covered a couple of times in the original BS thread...it's rather long but if you look though it you'll find the reason and answer mentioned there.   If I could remember I would save you the trouble of reading though that but at least I remember the issue and where to find the answer. :)



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You need to add this


<FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff)$">
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"


to your htaccess file (the htaccess file in the root folder)

Then you can access the shop with localhost or or your real website with or without www. and the icons will show just fine.

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