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Possible to use Google Analytics click events within inventory items?


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I'm running osCommerce 2.3.1 and have the Google Analytics module enabled. It works fine for tracking visits to the main page, but what we are trying to do is host our items both for sale, and include links to download a pdf file for the product, directly and for free, within the product. The downloads work fine, but we aren't getting any feedback from Google analytics. The code we are using looks like this, and it's just pasted in the description of each item we want to offer like this:


<br/>    <br/>    Available as a free download at this location:     

<a href=http://www.wsgs.wyo.gov/products/wsgs-2015-ms-101.pdf
onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'ms-101', 'Download', 'wsgs-2015-ms-101.pdf’]);"

target="_blank"> <span style="color:blue"> <h2>Free Download</h2> </span></a>


Is it possible to run something like this within an item? I'm not sure why it's not "calling home." We have tried a couple iterations of this, as well as waiting for over 24 hours, and the events aren't being tracked by Google analytics.


Any help or insight would be really appreciated!



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