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PHP Syntax Errors in Footer Body


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I'm having some troubles editing the footer of my website. What I want to do is to split it into thirds - the first third on the left will have some text in and links. The second third, in the middle, will be blank. Finally, the third third (hehe) will have some more text in. This is essentially to freshen up the stock layout.


The most suitable thing that I thought to be was to use a table to achieve this. However, I am very confused at what is going wrong.


Here is the section of my code in the file catalog>includes>languages>english.php


define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', '<table border="0" style="width:100%">'
    '<td width="46%">Copyright © '' . date('Y') . ' <a href=" . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . STORE_NAME . </a></td>''
     <td width="8%"></td>
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Advice as to what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated. I am a newcomer to PHP, and as such I have little/no understanding of how it works.

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...and what is happening or going wrong?  An image or link where the problem can be seen might be useful to anyone trying to help you out.



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I see some obvious problems. Is all this supposed to be defined as FOOTER_TEXT_BODY, or just part of it? The define would have to be in a PHP block, but the line immediately following is the start of a string. The define's second term ends at the ', but there is no closing ) or ;. You end the PHP block (which presumably started before the code you show), but the define statement is still open. What are you trying to do? At the very least, you're missing a "." at the end of the first line, to keep the second term of the define still going, and the define's closing ); before the ?>. Then you still have to output the defined term somewhere. 

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...and what is happening or going wrong?  An image or link where the problem can be seen might be useful to anyone trying to help you out.




I'm currently getting this error:


'Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''<td width="46%">Copyright &co' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in C:\xampp\htdocs\oscommerce\oscommerce-2.3.4\catalog\includes\languages\english.php on line 249'

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Thats exactly what mrPhil is saying


basically you have your apostrophes in the wrong places and you are not closing the define



Should be more something like this


define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', '<table border="0" style="width:100%">
    <td width="46%">Copyright © ' . date('Y') . ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . STORE_NAME . '</a></td>
     <td width="8%"></td>
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  • 2 months later...


Thats exactly what mrPhil is saying


basically you have your apostrophes in the wrong places and you are not closing the define



Should be more something like this


define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', '<table border="0" style="width:100%">
    <td width="46%">Copyright © ' . date('Y') . ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . STORE_NAME . '</a></td>
     <td width="8%"></td>
    <td width="46%"><a href="http://localhost/osc...g.php">Shipping & Returns</a> | <a href="http://localhost/osc...php">Privacy</a> | <a href="http://localhost/osc...php">Conditions of Use</a> | <a href="http://localhost/osc...us.php">Contact Us</a></td>
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Ok thanks, the amended code that you provided has worked.

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