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Best dimensions for product image?


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I don't know if there is a one size fits all standard...probably depends on the products you sell and how much detail you need to present but one thing I would do is square them up...ie 500 X 500 or whatever size you plan to use.  It will help when displaying product listings etc and keep everything consistent looking.



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If you're just starting out, or are doing a remake of your site, upgrade to osC 2.3.4 immediately. 2.2RC1 is totally obsolete and should no longer be used. Even if you're just doing some tuning of an existing store, you are dangerously behind the times -- between the hackers taking you apart, and your host upgrading PHP to current levels, you're going to have big problems. Start the process of installing 2.3.4 and migrating your data as soon as possible.

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I don't know if there is a one size fits all standard...probably depends on the products you sell and how much detail you need to present but one thing I would do is square them up...ie 500 X 500 or whatever size you plan to use.  It will help when displaying product listings etc and keep everything consistent looking.



I have done like this in the past, but I'm changing my mind about this for the simple reason, screens are typically not square but more rectangular.

I think the full size picture should not be squared unnecessarily but keep the original dimensions so when people click to enlarge (with retina display or not),

they get the biggest possible image fitting their screen.


So, thumbnails square as needed on the fly, but originals keep the original aspect ratio, don't add too much white space


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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If you're just starting out, or are doing a remake of your site, upgrade to osC 2.3.4 immediately. 2.2RC1 is totally obsolete and should no longer be used. Even if you're just doing some tuning of an existing store, you are dangerously behind the times -- between the hackers taking you apart, and your host upgrading PHP to current levels, you're going to have big problems. Start the process of installing 2.3.4 and migrating your data as soon as possible.


Thank you for all the replies.


I will take your advice on board and prepare to upgrade, just one question after I upgrade what will happen to all the addons on the site? I think this will cause many problems?


Also I found this youtube instructional video, is it this easy to upgrade?


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At a quick glance it looks like that video deals with updating the database only and if that's your concern yes that part is fairly painless.  You can move update your database to work with the newer 2.3 versions.  The problems will come with those add-ons that you have installed and any design changes you made.   Those things will have to be re-done/installed if you want to use them again.


If it were me I would get a copy of the bootstrap version and create a test install to get started and see what all is involved.



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Note that you don't upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3. You must make a clean install of 2.3.4 (and then possibly 2.3.4bs), and migrate over your data. Yes, you will lose any changes you've made to the code (add-ons and custom changes), and have to re-do them (if they're not already built in to 2.3.4).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me how to fix the size of the image on my products? The main image is by default 100 x 80.. i need to adjust that but cannot find the file to change it in. 


images are overriding the right column so I need to make them just a tad smaller.

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Can anyone tell me how to fix the size of the image on my products? The main image is by default 100 x 80.. i need to adjust that but cannot find the file to change it in. 


images are overriding the right column so I need to make them just a tad smaller.

Admin - configuration - images - Product Information Image Width

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