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Thumbnail product image not displaying


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Which image did you add as the small image and which as the large image, or did you add both as large images. Oscommerce needs a small image added unless you have added a n image thumbnailer.


When adding a product you have the options to add a small image and large image. Create a small copy of the large image and upload one to each on the locations. Additional large images can be added by clicking the add large image button. These extra large images will then appear under the large image on the product info page.


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Thanks for the reply.

Yes I added the thumbnail image and a large image for the first product image but when you add a second image it doesn't give you the option to add a second thumbnail. It only gives the option to Add Large Image and the second image just displays as a large image underneath the first one as can be seen here on the website which looks awful - http://2dye4.com.au/product_info.php?cPath=22_33&products_id=67  :(


Is there an add-on that can be installed to display the second etc large images as thumbnails?

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