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'Sign In' not working


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1) Please let un know what version of OSCommerce you have

2) If you can provide a link to your site that always helps too


Assuming that you haven't installed the login module read below


For 2.3.4BS (may work for your version)

Assuming you want to test as a customer


You need to go to your OSCommerce Admin control panel

Click on the "Modules" Box to the left

You will see a list of links like below


Action Recorder
Header Tags
Order Total
Social Bookmarks
Click on the one that says "content"
Now it should come up with a listing of all the Content Modules installed
In the top Right, there is a button that says "Install Module"
click on that
and you will get a link of Modules to install
The two you want are
"Login form"
"Create Account"
Click on the Module you want so it is highlighted, then click the install button
this will take you back to the list of installed modules, with your new module highlighted
now click save
And now when you go to your site a login link will appear
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'content' is the only one missing,  Although the

"Login form" and "Create Account"

files do exist in /catalog/includes/modules/content/.  I have also tried to extract them from the upgrade again but 'content' still does not appear.

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version 2.3.4

The my-admin has a your-admin/includes/modules folder which does not have the content.php file nor do I see the file anywhere in my-admin. Can I just copy it from admin and place it here. To which folder?

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Hang on lets back up, because I am not understanding


1) Is this a brand new install, or is it an upgrade


2) can you login to your oscommerce admin section?

-- If you can get into admin, what happens when you type the following link (substituting in your domain and admin) into the address bar of your browser



3) There is no content.php file in the modules folder nor should there be, what i was meaning was in your web browser login to your oscommerce admin and use the link above substituting your domain and admin folder names where appropriate and post back what you browser says. the filename is "modules_content.php" 


4) If you are desperate and around in the next few hours you can flick me a link if you want

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When I do log into admin, it says:

The requested URL /catalog/johannaadmin/modules_content.php was not found on this server.


This is an upgrade from version


The site is in develpoment:




Furthermore, I was able to create an account from the homepage. I should have originally been directed there, however from the checkout.


Also I would like to enable customers to checkout without logging in. Is this possible?

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