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How do I using the category ID value in sql query


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Hi, I am trying to insert the top category id into my wishlist table. here is what I did to find the top category ID

$cPath = implode('_', $cPath_array);
	$top_category_id = strtok($cPath, '_');
	echo $top_category_id;

from above script, the $top_category_id only shows the top level category id under the product info page. Now I want to insert the id number into my sql table, can somebody get me a direction how to do that?


thank you.



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Instead of writing new code to get the ID, just use the in-built tep_parse_category_path function. For adding to the table, you would use the insert command, if this is a new entry, or update command, for existing entries. This assumes a field for the ID already exists. There should be commands like those in the addon code already but you can get examples in the admin/categories.php file.

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Instead of writing new code to get the ID, just use the in-built tep_parse_category_path function. For adding to the table, you would use the insert command, if this is a new entry, or update command, for existing entries. This assumes a field for the ID already exists. There should be commands like those in the addon code already but you can get examples in the admin/categories.php file.


Hi Jack,


Thank you for your reply. what I trying to do is adding extra information to wishlist function. I have wishlist 3.0 install and add extra field call categories_id in my customer_wishlist table. I modified the insert query from

tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " (customers_id, products_id) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $wishlist_id . "')");


tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_WISHLIST . " (customers_id, products_id, categories_id) values ('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $wishlist_id . "', '" . $_POST ['top_category_id'] . "')");

I also add the input name call top_category_id in my product_info.php. But I can't get it work, the $_POST['top_category_id'] doesn't post the top category data to the query.


However, I change $_POST['top_category_id'] to a number in the query, it will insert the correct information to the database.


So how can I get that piece data post to the wishlist query ?


thank you


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