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I am lost and confused


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I have 2.3.4 installed and everytime I change a configuration option I click save.  Then if I try to change another option it makes the last editied one disappear.  It will not save the save and then it leave the option blank. 


What am I missing/??

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I am using the admin portal and changing the options like the store name.  I click on it change the name and click save.  I then try another option like the city and it deletes the store name and leaves it blank.  It will not change period.  Stays blank. 

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The first thing to check is whether your first change is actually being saved. Save the change and leave the admin page you're editing on. Come back in and look at the value -- is it the new one, or the old one? That will tell you if the second change is somehow wiping out the first, or if the first wasn't being saved in the first place.


Don't forget that the configure.php files are normally "read only" (often 444 permissions), or you will get an annoying reminder warning. To edit them, you need to restore "read write" permissions (often 644). It depends on how your server is configured (PHP runs as owner, in your group, or as a random user) what is writable by you (with an editor) and what is writable by PHP (osC). You could end up having to change permissions to 664 or even 666 in order to use the osC admin edit. Just don't forget to change them back to read-only when you're done.

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If I change the permissions to 664 or 666 when I goto the configuration it gives me a server error. 


Also I changed the field and saved it then exited the admin and then re-logged in and it was blank.

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@@bthomasmo  What was the server error message that you received?


You shouldn't have too but try bumping it up to 777 and see what happens.  But be sure to put it back afterwards.  



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