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Password Reset Email Gives Gobbledegook


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With our osCommerce set up, everytime someone requests a password reset, they get an email like this:


A new password was requested from new password to 'Our Comapny' is:   xxxClick here to reset your password
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>A new password was requested from<br /><br />Your new passwo=
>rd to 'Our Company' is:<br /><br />   MJGnO<br /><br=
> /><a
>=3D697&reset=3D855ad72062440832c8330a23fbf84f8c">Click here to reset
>your p= assword</a>


Needless to say this is very confusing to the customer, and it's the same whether I select HTML email or text email.


What should I be looking at?

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What version of osCommerce is that? Did you upgrade from an older version? That looks like the message sent by osC 2.2x but with the new UTF-8 character set.




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What version of osCommerce is that? Did you upgrade from an older version? That looks like the message sent by osC 2.2x but with the new UTF-8 character set.


v 2.3.1

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I'm beginning to suspect that this might have something to do with the SQL database itself. I went poking around in it today and noticed that the collation for all the tables was latin1_swedish-ci for some reason. Could this be the culprit?

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Yes, that's a problem. You need to convert the database to UTF-8 to make it work with osCommerce 2.3x. There's a database tool in the admin that was added by one of the later versions of osC -- 2.3.3 I think. That will convert all of the tables and the text in them.


Your 2.3.1 is getting pretty old. There are a lot of bug fixes in later releases, and a couple of security patches as well. One of those fixes was for the Password Recovery page. The new version works a lot better. I suggest updating to 2.3.4.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Thanks! I would do the upgrade now but my client is right in the middle of his busy season which won't let up until July, so he's hesitant to do it right now. Would I be in any serious trouble if I just wnet into the database through phpmyadmin and changed the collations there?

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You can do that, but the text in the tables will not be updated, so it's not likely to fix anything. I can't be sure since I don't know what's in your tables, but it could cause problems. Make a database backup first in any case.


You could just pull the Password Recovery parts out of the latest release and install those. Do this on a test shop first, so you can find out exactly what the dependencies are. I know that it requires an action recorder module in the admin, in addition to the catalog-side files.




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