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The e-commerce.

The quick way to make the template oscommerce responsive


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Hi guys,

I have a old site not resposive.

Which is the quick way to make the template oscommerce responsive ?

how long it takes ?


Thanks a lot.


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If it's an "old site", it's probably older than 2.3.3, in which case the suggested add-on (iOSC) will not work. If so, you should upgrade to (if at 2.3 or later) or install (if 2.2) osC 2.3.4 and then upgrade to the "Bootstrap" responsive kit. In any case, if your site is at 2.2 RC2a or older, you will have to do a fresh install of 2.3.4 and migrate your data over. If your site is at least 2.3.0, you can upgrade step by step to 2.3.4.


iOSC may be usable for you, in which case you would install (or upgrade to) 2.3.3, but I don't know if it needs, 2, 3, or 4. I also don't know if it works with 2.3.4. I would suggest 2.3.4 and Bootstrap, as that appears to be the mainstream, and is planned to be the basis for 2.3.5 or 2.4, whichever appears next.

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If it's an "old site", it's probably older than 2.3.3, in which case the suggested add-on (iOSC) will not work.


iOSC may be usable for you, in which case you would install (or upgrade to) 2.3.3, but I don't know if it needs, 2, 3, or 4. I also don't know if it works with 2.3.4. I would suggest 2.3.4 and Bootstrap, as that appears to be the mainstream, and is planned to be the basis for 2.3.5 or 2.4, whichever appears next.


Please download the package and have a look.



iosc works and includes installation instructions for osc 2.2rc2a. It is also possible to use it with 2.2ms2 with small modifications comparing the main store files and the provided 2.2rc2a files. The package includes files to support all versions up to 2.3.4


However upgrade to 2.3.4 bootstrap should be always preferred

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It's usually not worth it to do major work on a site (e.g., make responsive) if it's not otherwise up to date (2.3.4). Even if iOSC works with 2.2RC2a (which I didn't see, reading the information on it, but I may have missed it), I wouldn't bother with it. You're far better off in the long run by first getting up to date with 2.3.4.

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the quick way - iosC for mobile (phone) use - it is like a second webshop next to the main site optimized for mini screens


the better way - responsive for multi-device (tablet/phablet/desktop/ipad) use - but this is NOT a quick solution


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@raiwa I downloaded your iOSC addon and I have a modded 2.3.4 site up already.

I was a bit confused on whether I can drop in the files in the addon or is this addon for a fresh install?

Right now I'm redirecting my OSC site to one of my other mobile-ready sites via HTAccess but it has a different domain name...I would like to keep the same domain/site for both desktop & mobile.

Can I use this package for my existing site or should I make a mobile/catalog directory and do a fresh install?


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Hello jason @@broadstreetbully,


The mobile files must be installed in a sudirectory or subdomain. All mobile files (files in the folder "mobile/") are a separate, duplicate set of pages. Another subject is that they have to be modified to support and use your additional add-ons and modifications of the main store.

The files provided in the root (catalog) folder are modified files to replace the original main store files. Example: catalog/include/classes/breadcrumb.php.

For the case your files are modified, there are also instructions how to apply the changes to your files included in the instructions.

Please see the installation doc for more details.




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@@Rainer yeah I installed in a "m." sub-domain & all is working.

I downloaded a few addons from the "bootstrap-safe addons thread" as well...would you know if other addons like re-captcha work?

I'm not going crazy adding a ton of addons to the mobile site, just the basics for security & SEO pretty much.

thank you.

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