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Trying to locate price function in cart/payment system


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I'm currently working on my own add-on. It's purpose is somewhat of an extension of Linda's "Free Call For Price". It allows customers to call in and obtain a price for a product, return to the website, pay for the item on-line. I'm not sure how many customers would be willing to do this, but that's what my client wants.


Here is what I have written and working so far:

* Admin side system for entering price quotes for products

* Price quotes are stored in a table with a "key" to access the quote.

* Customer side "key" entry.

* "key" entry brings up and displays product info and price for quote.


Here is where I'm running into trouble. I can't find where shopping_cart.php retrieves the price for a product from MySQL when it is added to the cart. If someone can kinda point me in the direction of the appropriate function/module/etc. I would be very grateful. Thank you for any help or ideas.

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well, in /catalog/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php there is a calculate() function about line 203. this sets the total of the current $cart object.

below that is a function show_total() which just calls the calculate() function. this show_total() function is called (which of course calls calculate()) at about line 95 of /catalog/shopping_cart.php.

<td align="right" class="main"><b><?php echo SUB_TITLE_SUB_TOTAL; ?> <?php echo $currencies->format($cart->show_total()); ?></b></td>

maybe this will help you?

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