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Tax display and calculation problem


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I got a new one, just started happening today, the only thing I have done was to update the order.php file to solve an issue with the orders_status not getting set to 1 by default. I was only midway through testing at that time so I cannot 100% verify that the problem started after that. Anyways here is the issue:



In Admin... Modues... Order Total if I have Display Tax Groups true it does not display the tax groups. If I set it to false it displays.



I have a tax group setup for Minnesota 6.5% which is calculating fine, however, this rate is applied to all other states as well. I have verified under Admin... Localizations / Taxes that the only Tax Zone I have is Minnesota, the only Tax Clas is Taxable Goods (which is assigned to the products in questions), and Tax Rates is set correctly to 6.5% Minnesota.


Any ideas?

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One more note...


I went in and remove all my Tax Classes, Zones, and Rates checked out and it finally didn't calculate shipping (I turned off my tax module before doing this.) I then recreated my Tax Class, Zone and Rates and left the Tax module turned off, went to check out again outside of the taxable area and it still calcualted tax. I don't know where its pulling from when i have turned the tax module off.

Remember... Pillage BEFORE you burn!

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Don't know what specifically fixed it, but it seems to be working now. What I did was once again remove all classes, zones and rates, re-enabled, disabled, still nothing. I re-enabled again and now it works. Go figure...

Remember... Pillage BEFORE you burn!

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