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Store Hotline BS


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Store Hotline Header Content Module for Bootstrap


This Add-On adds a Button to the store header displaying the Store Phone.

It is a disabled BS Button on all views except xs mobile view where it acts like a button which opens the Mobile Phone Dialler with the Store Phone number.


Header Content Module

Easy installation, no file modifications. Only copy 2 files + language files. Install the module in Admin : Modules.

Includes Alignment class, text-left, text-center, text-right




Edited by raiwa
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Rainer...you might want to have a look at the upload package...there seems to be a ton of files in there.   Was that intended?



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@@Dan Cole,


Thank you very much. I forgot to clean the german language folder.

Just uploaded the cleaned package.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@raiwa I've installed this addon - but the dialer does not open on iphone (not sure about other phones).


I get a phone number of 'STOREPHONE'


On line 2 of the template file you have;

  <a  class="btn btn-primary visible-xs" role="button" href="tel:' . STORE_PHONE . '"><?php echo MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></a>

Which doesn't look quite right... Shouldn't it be more like (this still needs some cleaning up for sure...... note: change it from a button to a block and i've added a glyphibcon on xs as well......);

  <div class="btn  btn-info btn-block visible-xs"><?php echo tep_draw_button(MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT,'glyphicon glyphicon-earphone', 'tel:' . STORE_PHONE);?></div>
  <div class="btn btn-info btn-block hidden-xs"><?php echo MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></div>

But it opens the dialer....

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Hello Scott @@greasemonkey,


Thank you very much for the report and suggestion.

I played a bit with the code and found that solution which uses the icon also for the main button and disables the button on desktop view, so it doesn't look like an action button.

Please can you test it and confirm that it also works on iPhone and if possible test with Android too. I have only Windows Phone for testing.

  <?php echo tep_draw_button(MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE,'glyphicon glyphicon-earphone', 'tel:' . STORE_PHONE, 'primary', null, 'btn btn-info visible-xs');?>
  <div class="btn btn-info hidden-xs" disabled="disabled"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-earphone"></span><?php echo ' ' . MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></div>

I removed the btn-block, I like more the smaller version and on xs it has no effect in any case.


If you wish to show the disabled button in standard color/opacity, add this to the user.css:

fieldset[disabled] .btn {
  pointer-events: none;
  cursor: none;
  filter: alpha(opacity=100);
  -webkit-box-shadow: none;
          box-shadow: none;
  opacity: 1;

Here is also my Demo Store for testing:



Please confirm and I'll upload this like an update.


Thank you again and kindest regrads


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@@raiwa I've installed this addon - but the dialer does not open on iphone (not sure about other phones).


I get a phone number of 'STOREPHONE'


On line 2 of the template file you have;

  <a  class="btn btn-primary visible-xs" role="button" href="tel:' . STORE_PHONE . '"><?php echo MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></a>

Which doesn't look quite right... Shouldn't it be more like (this still needs some cleaning up for sure...... note: change it from a button to a block and i've added a glyphibcon on xs as well......);

  <div class="btn  btn-info btn-block visible-xs"><?php echo tep_draw_button(MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT,'glyphicon glyphicon-earphone', 'tel:' . STORE_PHONE);?></div>
  <div class="btn btn-info btn-block hidden-xs"><?php echo MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></div>

But it opens the dialer....



Keeping the original thought in mind, another approach might be:

<a class="btn btn-primary visible-xs" role="button" href="tel: <?php STORE_PHONE ?> "><?php echo MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></a>


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Hello Malcolm @@ArtcoInc,


Thank you, but this shows the dialler empty, without number on windows phone.


This version is checked on windows phone and iPhone and works:

  <?php echo tep_draw_button(MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE,'glyphicon glyphicon-earphone', 'tel:' . STORE_PHONE, 'primary', null, 'btn btn-info visible-xs');?>
  <div class="btn btn-info hidden-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-earphone"></span><?php echo ' ' . MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></div>

If you or @@greasemonkey or someone else could confirm that it works on Android, I'll upload the update with that version.

Here my teststore:



Thank you


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Hello Raz @@razgre,


Yes sure. Just delete line 3 in includes/modules/content/header/templates/phone.php:

  <div class="btn btn-info hidden-xs"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-earphone"></span><?php echo ' ' . MODULE_CONTENT_HEADER_PHONE_TEXT . STORE_PHONE;?></div>

See here for more info about how it works:





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  • 7 months later...

New ersion 2.0 with support for Skype uploaded:



Changes Version 2.0

- Added optional support for Skype call, chat and add contact.

- Phone button optional.

- Phone button disabled on desktop

- Instructions in PDF

- Screenshots included

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @raiwa

just install Store Hotline 2.0 BS.
All is well installed but in the ADMIN part the field to enter the phone does not appear. All the other options appear.

You could take a look at it?

Best regards 




:heart: Community Oscommerce fan :heart: You'll find the latest osC community version here.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm awaiting the final release of edge to update all my add-ons.

Meanwhile search on the font awesome page for the equivalent 5.0 icon:


This one should be:

fab fa-skype


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  • 1 month later...

uploaded update:

Store Hotline 2.1 BS

Changelog: Version 2.1

  • Updated skype fa icons to font awesome 5
  • Updated template name to CE Frozen naming standard
  • Updated include template to CE Frozen auto filename.

Note: if you are running Version 2.0 without problem, you do not need to update to 2.1.

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 3 months later...
4 minutes ago, ce7 said:


Hi Rainer

I installed this addon on CE, it was working, and when something wrong with configuration, fixed it, and after that, two situation happened.

one is like this

the other one is installed but nothing show on the front page at all.

Can you please kindly tell me what possible reason to cause this?

Many thanks! Lyn

Sorry, I do not understand. Please be more precise. Which OScommerce and Store hotline exact versions ?

Edited by raiwa
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  • 8 months later...

uploaded update:

Store Hotline 3.1 Phoenix

OSCOM Phoenix CE
Tested with Phoenix
PHP: 7.0-7.4

Changelog: Version 3.1

  • Updated to abstarct executable module
  • Moved all html output into template file
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