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Going backwards from 2.2 to 2.1 - A question


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I installed 2.2 MS1 but have a problem. I NEED the Japanese language pack now which is not done. It IS done for 2.1. If I delete 2.2 and install 2.1 with language pack, can I keep the same database? Will I lose or corrupt info?


A speedy response would be appreciated

Thanks to all

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You could always see if anyone will help you translate a 2.2 language pack an then contribute it ;)



Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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stay away from 2.1  i would work on translating a language pack

or see if someone can help


2.2 has many more features, much more stable and secure


I have the contacted Tamura on the Japanese site but no response. I have the people here to translate so I want to do it. However, I need some guidance. Which files? All? Just look for the English and put in the Japanese? Help would be appreciated. I will definately contribute it when done :D

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Copy the includeslanguagesenglish folder to japanese along with copying the includeslanguagesenglish.php file to japanese.php. Open each file and translate the text to Japanese.


In Admin ~ Localization ~ Languages you will need to add Japanese along with providing a flag icon.


In Admin ~ Localization ~ Curriencies you will need to add the Yen.


If you also need the admin section to support Japanese then you will need to copy the adminincludeslanguagesenglish folder to japanese along with copying the adminincludeslanguagesenglish.php file to japanese.php. Then open each file and translate all of the text to Japanese.


I believe that covers it but I might have missed something.

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