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Purchase Without Account Updated & Admin Functionality


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HI, Brookwater here, I have just installed this contribution but on testing I get this error:

<--start of error message-->

1054 - Unknown column 'purchased_without_account' in 'field list'


select customers_id, purchased_without_account, customers_firstname, customers_password, customers_email_address, customers_default_address_id from customers where upper(customers_email_address) = '[email protected]' and upper(customers_firstname) = 'ED' and upper(customers_lastname) = 'BLUNDELL'



<--end of error message-->


I followed all the instructions, and considering that till today I had thought that PHP was in the realms of cyber-wizardy, and beyong me I feel fairly confident that I pulled it off.


Can someone please provide me with a clue? I am not afraid to roll my sleeves up & get dirty. I just need to fix this before my boss sacks me & ships me off a desert island.


Many thanks in advance,


ed @ brookwater....

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Wasn't this just answered already on the page? Run the SQL.

Thanks for the reply "Radders", I did run the sql & I have just rechecked it as well, just to make sure that all the tables are in the right places, with the right values. I think that it is all-alright, but I still get this error.


any help provided is gratefully received,


again many thanks in advance,


cheers, ed @ brookwater


PS: I also ran the SQL "analyze-table", "check-table", & "repair-table" facility in PhpMyAdmin, and it all checks out that way too.

Edited by brookwater
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So to clarify, you have checked your customers table and it contains the field 'purchased_without_accout'?


Then I am at a loss to make sense of that error message.


hi again, I've spent time fixing the sql, & it does seem to be working now, but... the customer login is continually failing, when it didn't do so before I installed this most excellent contribution (which I believe is essential to today's online buyers!)


the pwa works like a charm, but the standard method ie:purchase with account or customer login does not. The login screen direct the new customer to sign in & then refuses to recognise the email address, or says that it already exists, please try another


is this related to PWA, or what? is there a fix, any help please. I can show the error, but you'l have to change your host file as the site is not live yet.


cheers look forward to any & all help received

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Has anybody tried the 'purchase without account' with the PayPal Express Checkout payment module?


I am getting a weird behavior in the case where the Paypal account email address is different to the email address specified for the guest account.


Has anybody run into this issue? Any suggestions?

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There is another error when one uses 'search engine safe urls'.


If the name/email matches it redirects to the login page, but this redirection fails if the search engine safe urls are set true in the admin section.


Has anybody fixed that or run into this issue?

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Hey everyone,


This contribution looks like it will solve a problem I am currently having:

Twice, I have received payment from orders that do not appear on my shopping cart (using OS Commerce).

Usually, I see the order placed with the amount of shipping etc.

However, I have gotten 2 customers that I receive payment for (showing

product and shipping payments)

Could it be linked to wether they choose the direct credit card option?



Paypal answered and said that this would be solved using IPN.

however, from what I understand here, I just need to add the contribution.


Is this correct, or do I have to modify anythign in my paypal profile?


Thank you!

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Hi I just installed this contribution. Everything goes smooth it's just when I hit continue on the checkout_success.php page it sends me to this URL "https://host371.ipowerweb.com/~orderhip/store/checkout_success.php?action=update&osCsid=b946df25b9c9bc85c25ab84a55cb4d30" and I get a HTTP 404 error. I have the PWA_0.82_1_2 contribution installed and that's about it. Any help would be much appreciated!

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Hello all, :D


i have installed a new shopsystem with wthe PWA ( purchase without account )

and links system contrib, and now the new window when you click a link

from my link system will not work.


When i click a link it say?s :




That is comming why redirect.php now go?s to the order_info.php.


Have anyone figured out how to fix that error, and who i can paste

the code for normal redirect.php now ?


I hope anyone can help.




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bump pwease... anyone know if this works with the CCGV? signed, desparate


I really need this contribution.  Thanks so much for posting.


Before proceeding, a few questions: I have already installed the Credit Class & Gift Voucher contrib and quite a few others.  Is this compatible withe CCGV?


I've looked throught the files in this contrib.  I don't find any tags in some of the files to indicate what was changed specifically for the contrib.  I am getting better at this.  But, still a newbie.  How do you compare the files for what is needed in this contrib to what I have in my modified files?


The following files are modified by both this and the credit voucher contrib; but with no indication of the changes....


/catalog/checkout_process.php (modified in Credit Voucher contrib)

/catalog/checkout_success.php (modified in Credit Voucher contrib)

/catalog/create_account.php  (modified in Credit Voucher contrib)

/catalog/includes/header.php (modified by other contribs)

/catalog/admin/orders.php  (modified by other contribs)


ANY help would be appreicated!

Anthony David


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Same here. If you use older files (MS1) it is impossible to add this contribution even if you use WINMERGE to compare files. The whole site is yellow. My files are so different, dont know what to do.


Would by better to know which lines to add/cange...





it is almost impossible to add this contribution to mosCommerce (mambo aka koomla) is there anyone who will modify this mod to make it work w/ mosCommerce? Thanks!

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I've just put PWA onto my site www.spikeys-barnstaple.co.uk when you go to fill in customer details the text boxes and colours are different to those set up in the style sheet. Any suggestions as I'm fairly new to OSC. Thanks

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Hello all,  :D


i have installed a new shopsystem with wthe PWA ( purchase without account )

and links system contrib, and now the new window when you click a link

from my link system will not work.


When i click a link it say?s :




That is comming why redirect.php now go?s to the order_info.php.


Have anyone figured out how to fix that error, and who i can paste

the code for normal redirect.php now ?


I hope anyone can help.





Any Solution for my Question ?




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I have installed this Contribution and it works. It was difficult as I had PayPal IPN installed, which makes changes in much the same place as this contrib seems to.




1) The .patch file does not include reference to catalog/admin/orders.php


2) The Order_Info.php uses class="formArea" and "formAreaTitle" which are not present in my stylesheet. I replaced them with "main" and it looks fine.


3) the languages/english/login.php file includes <FONT SIZE=2> which makes the Checkout box look wrong. I removed this tag.


4) There is something seriously wierd around the State entry stuff. I have renamed this to County, as I'm in the UK and we don't have States. Yet. Even with a valid entry, it kept complaining 'Your County must have at least 2 letters' and presenting a pull down menu which contains only UK.


I changed Order_Info_Process.php around line 126 in my version,

      $entry_state_has_zones = ($check_value['total'] > 0);


      $entry_state_has_zones = ($check_value['total'] > 1);


I'm not 100% sure I understand why this is correct.


I hope this helps someone!

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I have had no luck getting my question answered elsewhere so I decided to try posting it here:


Hopefully someone can help with this nightmare. I have the paypal AUD module and the check out without account module installed. store located at www.rikens.com.au/store


When you go to create an account an error message screams 'your email address is alredy in our database' and then asks the customer to log in using their address on file or creat a new account. You cannot do either of these things as it keeps going around in a loop.


When I go to the OSC admin control panel in the 'customers' section it shows a bunch of blank lines where customers names should be, with no email addys or names. When I attempt to delete these blank lines (you can click on them) I get the following error at the top of the page:


Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /home/rikens/public_html/store/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 17


Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/rikens/public_html/store/admin/includes/classes/object_info.php on line 18


I went to this file and the codes on these lines are as follows:


while (list($key, $value) = each($object_array)) {

$this->$key = tep_db_prepare_input($value);


Hopefully somebody has heard of this before and can let me know how to fix it. Or can see the mistake in the code. This is a matter of some urgency as it is a live store. I'm crossing my fingers....

Thanks in advance


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Hello everyone,


Im new and not a php programmer, but is the hardest contribution to install that ive seen until now.


For the author : I dont understand, is so easy to put what you have to change on each file and nothing else. And : why do 2 times modifications to some files?


Anyway, maybe for who has successfully updated his site with PWA and works, is fantastic. :thumbsup:




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To Arachnia:


One question I had was whether this occured for *EVERY* username. I can confirm it doesn't. Please feel free to delete the female customer 'eric wassit'.


It's probably only for people who already have accounts, or have bought before using No Account.


Something I think happens, since you have the Paypal IPN, is that the code to clear out the customer table once checkout is complete, isn't reached.


To fix this I suggest you be brave and use SQL to tidy up the customer table. You can either visually look and check or just jump in.


Suggestion (I can't go into teaching you how to use phpMySQL)


1) Backup entire database

2) Backup customer table into a file.

3) Enter this SQL: 'delete from customer where purchased_without_account =1;'


This should fix the problem. In the longer term you will have to figure out whether the clearout code is being reached or not, and fix it.


If you're not feeling brave enough to change the code, you can run the above on a regular basis.


I think the problem is in the checkout_success.php script.


The code

// PWA:  Added a check for a Guest checkout and cleared the session - 030411 v0.71
if (tep_session_is_registered('noaccount')) {
$order_update = array('purchased_without_account' => '1');
tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $order_update, 'update', "orders_id = '".$orders['orders_id']."'");
//  tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_ORDERS . " (purchased_without_account) values ('1') where orders_id = '" . (int)$orders['orders_id'] . "'");
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " where customers_id = '" . tep_db_input($customer_id) . "'");
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . tep_db_input($customer_id) . "'");
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_INFO . " where customers_info_id = '" . tep_db_input($customer_id) . "'");
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET . " where customers_id = '" . tep_db_input($customer_id) . "'");
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES . " where customers_id = '" . tep_db_input($customer_id) . "'");
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE . " where customer_id = '" . tep_db_input($customer_id) . "'");


is probably never reached


as the Paypal code comes first:

//begin PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN
// ++PWA
//    tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string));
// Added a check for a Guest checkout and cleared the session - 030411 
   if (tep_session_is_registered('noaccount')) { 
     tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL'));  
   else { 
     tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string, 'SSL')); 
 // --PWA
 } else if ((isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['action']) && $HTTP_GET_VARS['action'] == 'success')) {
//end PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN


This means that customer are left in the database with an invalid password.


Does this help?

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