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Purchase Without Account Updated & Admin Functionality

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I have login without account on my site, however, after you fill in the info and hit continue it brings you back to the login page page with this error

ERROR: No match for 'E-Mail Address' and/or 'Password'.



Please help......

I have login without account on my site, however, after you fill in the info and hit continue it brings you back to the login page page with this error

ERROR: No match for 'E-Mail Address' and/or 'Password'.



Please help......


Ditto, i'm getting the same thing on my test site. i'm using a snapshot from 3/31/2003


Suggestions ?

I have login without account on my site, however, after you fill in the info and hit continue it brings you back to the login page page with this error

ERROR: No match for 'E-Mail Address' and/or 'Password'.



Please help......


Ditto, i'm getting the same thing on my test site. i'm using a snapshot from 3/31/2003


Suggestions ?


Could be something to do with altered functions in the latest snapshots, i'm just guessing as i'm working off MS1 just now and havent looked at anything else.


I did state in the readme that it was working with MS1.





I have installed the Payment without an account and it seem to be working fine. What I'd like to do is simply bypass the page where people have the choice of opening an account and go direction to the customer details page on Order_Info.php


What changes would I need to make? I've already removed the ways to get into your account, login, logoff, etc. from the rest of the templates.




I've installed this usefull contribution on recent snapshot (from yesterday). It seems to work, but after the "confirm_ord." all I get is a big blank screen in sted of the usual "checkout_success.php". I've also notices that when choosing the checkout w./ account the next screen (the one where you have to fill out customer informations) the page seems to break up (left column dosen't show completley) and there is a huge blank space between the left column and the tabels with the customer informations. Any idea how to fix this (specially the blank screen problem)?



I forgot to mention that I didn't do any changes in the application_top.php, but in the "filenames.php", since the <<define('FILENAME...>> functions are now on the last one.


As i work from an MS1 store i cannot comment as to why you are having problems or indeed how to sort them.


sorry i could not be of more help





Well thank you anyway. Maybe I have to look at this page (checkout_succes.php since the problem is there. Or maybe it's a good idea to use the official stable release (MS1). It might be easier for me.


to be honest i think you would be better with ms1 as tere is more chance of you getting help with that as the cvs version has daily changes that really only the dev team keep up wit as they're the one doing the changes.


Also as you have found out, there arent many contributions that will be easily installed into the cvs version of the code.





I've did it - installed MS1. And works like a baby. Thanks for the contribution. :D





I'm using MS1 and I downloaded and installed Purchase Without Account v.59.


I've been trying to figure out why I keep getting this error when I try to confirm my order. I've checked and double-checked with phpMyAdmin and I did include the two entries you instructed me to include in your README file:


INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1);


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array('true', 'false'),');


but, still I keep coming across this problem when I try to confirm my order:




1054 - Unknown column 'customers_acct' in 'field list'




insert into orders (customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_acct, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_acct, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, date_purchased, orders_status, ip_address, currency, currency_value)



How did I miss this column? Where can I can find info to insert it?


not sure where to go from here.










what page are you trying to access when you get this error?





Looks like I'm getting the error on /catalog/checkout_process.php


Note: The only change I made on that page was commenting out the block "check for terms and conditions agreement".


what other mods do you have installed?





A mod for Contact Us v1.1, Privacy Conditions v2.1, card_box.paypal.2n0128, Popup_image, send_order_html_email v1, shipincart_v1.7, and last but not lease Purchase Without Account v.59




I uninstalled the send_order_html_email v1 contribution and it fixed the 1054 error. Now I just need to tweak the html output, but that's another story.

So, apparently there's a conflict between Purchase Without Account and send_order_html_email v1.





I installed the PWA mod according to the instructions. Getting this error message when I click on checkout button (login.php)



Warning: main(includes/FILENAME_PWA_PWA_LOGIN) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/blahblah/public_html/catalog/login.php on line 129


Fatal error: main() [function.main]: Failed opening required 'includes/FILENAME_PWA_PWA_LOGIN' (include_path='') in /home/blahblah/public_html/catalog/login.php on line 129


Hopefully this is a simple fix. Thanks!!




looks like you've missed the defines in application_top.php





That did it! I had posted the code


//Begin Checkout Without Account Modifications

define('FILENAME_PWA_PWA_LOGIN', 'login_pwa.php'); //BMC new as of v0.57

define('FILENAME_PWA_ACC_LOGIN', 'login_acc.php'); //BMC new as of v0.57

define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT', 'Order_Info.php');

//End Checkout Without Account Modifications



in the middle of the file. I posted it at the top and it worked.

Thanks much!


I have installed v0.55. The mod works like a charm. Thanks for the contribution. However I have one concern, if the customer comes back and wants to make another purchase with the same name and email but with a different address, they still get the old address. This lets the customer know that we still have their data in the database which defeats the purpose giving this option to all those anti-account customers, who do not want us to save their information. My question is that is there a way to figure out which records were created with 'no account' option vs. 'with account' option. So that these records could be deleted using a script etc.


Thanks in advance.


You could add a field to the customers table to act as a flag so that when a PWA customer enters their details the account creatins adds the relevent flag to this field to show it is a PWA customer or regular customer.





  • 4 weeks later...


I'm using the 5/18/03 snapshot, and installed this mod. All is ok, except I would like to know how to modify the login_pwa.php file so that the purchase without account box appears on top of the new customer and existing customer boxes (as opposed to the left of them). I've seen this done before, I know its just a matter of changing the layout of the tables, yet I keep messing it up with each change I make. Could someone post a sample login_pwa.php file here that does this?


Thanks much!



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