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The e-commerce.

Problem with USPS module


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I was wondering if someone could tell us why we get the following error when we enable the USPS module


An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations.

If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.


We added the username and password that we got from USPS .


Any help will be much appreciated



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Did you go production? You will have to email them back and tell USPS that your site is fully tested and you are ready to use their production server. Otherwise it does not work.

good luck.

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You mean that, after they send us a password and username, we still have to write them back?



What I meant was, even for testing?

That is, can we only test oscommerce and the USPS module by telling the folks at USPS that we are going live ?

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