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Zone Rates shipping not working


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 Can someone please help me. Under Modules/Shipping I have set up Zone Rates. I have:
Zone 1 Countries
Zone 1 Shipping Table
Zone 2 Countries
Zone 2 Shipping Table
Zone 3 Countries
Zone 3 Shipping Table

At present I am using Sandbox account. If I set up a fictitious account for United Kingdom sale and associated payment go through. But if I set up a fictitous account for Hungary I get following:

Error Shipping is currently not available for the selected shipping address. Please select or create a new shipping address to use with your purchase.
  I am unable to create a new address inside Hungary.
Delivery Information
New Shipping Address
Please select a state from the States pull down menu.
 I am asked to select a state from the States pull down menu. It's a small empty drop down list where you can't enter anything, and unless this is filled in a new address cannot be created. I have searched and searched on the internet for a solution but just can't find one. Can anybody please help.

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Are you getting this error from oscommerce admin or from paypal app?


I've just answered a related question here in the forum; I don't see hungarian zones defined by default in oscommerce and looks like they are being used by the module or whatever throws that error.

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Hi, Thanks for the reply. It's not in the admin area, it's actually during checkout at online store. Under Locations/Taxes Hungary is defined with iso code HU and this is what I've read is used by Zone Rates shipping. Besides I inserted Hungary with code HU in tax zone ( geo zone) but left zone empty.

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So in countries.php you have Hungary/HU/HUN

in zones.php you don't have any zone related to hungary.


And in geo-zones (tax zones) yoy have a zone called Hungary.

Do you have added Hungary (country) inside this tax zone with "all zones" defined? (see attachment)


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in countries.php you have Hungary/HU/HUN


This I'm not sure about. The only countries.php files I know about are in:




Neither of these files have any countries listed in them.

In the admin area under Locations/Taxes and under Countries Hungary/HU/HUN is listed


 in zones.php you don't have any zone related to hungary


This is true. The only thing I did in zones.php is change $this->num_zones = 1;  to  $this->num_zones = 3;


in geo-zones (tax zones) yoy have a zone called Hungary


Under Locations/Taxes and under Zones I've added a new country Hungary but have left Zones Name empty and have put HU for Zone Code.


you have added Hungary (country) inside this tax zone with "all zones" defined?


Under Locations/Taxes and under Tax Zones I have two folders Europe and UK. Inside Europe folder I've added country Hungary with "all zones".

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