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The e-commerce.

Two Line Address


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I am new to osCommerce, MySQL and PHP but am learning. I am working on configuring the cart, and need to allow customers to enter a two line address. I don't see any contributions for this. If one already exists and I'm just blind then please let me know which one it is. Any other assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks much!

Remember... Pillage BEFORE you burn!

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that's why the Suburb: is there when you sign up with a new account



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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Ok, found the answer the the second part of my questions. To change the name that is displayed edit the following files:





Remember... Pillage BEFORE you burn!

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you might change this also in the mySQL database



ALTER TABLE address_book CHANGE entry_suburb entry_suburb VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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Use doby48's suggestion. From customer point of view it's not suburb but address line 2. If you mod the table, other modules or code that hardwired for the name if any will break.

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also take into account what payment system you are using - Authorizenet does not have a field for address2 - not certain about the others.... :wink:

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