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The e-commerce.

Simple tax


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I'm sure this problem is very easy to solve.


we've just put a new store up. When you go to a product it shows the price including tax - irrespective of where the customer is located.


How can we turn this off so that tax is only added for IN (our state) AND that it's added at the point that they check out?


thanks very much!



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Look for the tax setting in Catalog/includes/application_top.php.


It is a section that looks like this:


// customization for the design layout 

 define('TAX_DECIMAL_PLACES', '0'); // Pad the tax value this amount of decimal places 

 define('DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX', 'true'); // Display prices with tax (true) or without tax (false) 

 define('BOX_WIDTH', '162'); // how wide the boxes should be in pixels (default: 125)



Change the third line to: define('DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX', 'false');

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Thanks very much!


i've found it and changed it.


now the product displays without the tax. Super.


But, now the tax doesn't show up in the final order during checkout.


and when the email goes to the customer it just has the product mentioned. No total price.


another simple fix?


thanks very much!


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go into your control panel and click on tax zones.......The state you want to charge tax in should be there......Click on the little folder on the left of the state name and set up your state there....

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i've done that.

it didn't fix it.


There is no tax shown during checkout - or shipping for that matter (flat rate). neither is there the chance given for credit card number to go in.



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