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imges not working after adding products


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all the default images were working, i deleted everything from the tables to start adding my products.


I fill in the product info. Browse and choose my product image and the preview looks fine. however when i verify it and look at the catalog i get the red x.


Configure.php is set fine.

Looking at the product in admin it say "image not available"

the images get uploaded to the right directories but do not show.


version 2.2 CVS 03/23/2003


Excuse spelling mistakes, i have a broen hand.




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Looking at the product in admin it say "image not available"



meant "Date Added: 04/04/2003

Last Modified: 04/04/2003





Price: $AUD0.00

Quantity: 5


Average Rating: 0.00%


thats straight from admin.






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I had this problem with the one difference that the image in admin didn't show when I added the product. I think there is a php fix for this but all I did to as a compromise was to delete the duff image in my ftp program, then re-upload it. It semed to work for me. Every new product that I create has a broken image in the browser untill I do this.


If anyone can find why this is I'd be grateful. the ultimate end user of the website will not like to delete files in ftp then re-upload them.


Hope this helps.

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I have the same problem and here's how I work around it: My structure is set up with the 'catalog' elements in the root html folder, i.e. public_html. In there is a subfolder called 'images' (naturally) where I keep general site images. In a sub-subfolder, I have a folder called 'p' which contains all of my product images. So, we're talking 'public_html/images/p'. The nature of my catalog is such that I have to key each record manually via the interface in Admin. I adjusted configure.php to point to the images/p folder, and when I upload via the interface, it uploads to the proper folder, but writes to the database incorrectly. So, the image is pulled up to 'images/p', but when I examine the record in the database, the image is without the 'p/' prefix. Each day I do my catalog entries, and at the end of the day, I run a query to pull the products.products_images fields and update them to have a 'p/' prefix. Nutshell example of my dizzying response: uploading via Admin writes to database.products.products_image='image.jpg', and I manually update the field to have 'p/image.jpg'. I hope all of this helps in some small way. :roll:

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