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Downloads Controller


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I've installed the files without any errors but after successfully checking out I see no Download button ... but I am confused at where I am supposed to be entering the download location in OSC ?? The "instruction" don't mention that at all. The order status is "Updated" so I don't think thats the problem - it just doesn't know what location to give the user.


Help please !!

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Check in the Admin ... Configuration ... Downloads ... and make sure that the Downloads is turned on.


Then, go into the Categories/Products ... Product Attributes ... and add the filename for the download to each product. Note: The filename is case sensative and should not contain spaces or extra periods. Zip files are best as they are smaller and easier to download.


Then, FTP your download files to the /download folder.


Do a chmod on /pub to 777 and /download to 755


Make sure your /includes/configure.php is using the real path to your root and not $DOCUMENT_ROOT in the define. You can get this path in the Admin ... Tools ... System Info ... search for DOCUMENT_ROOT without the $

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Downloads are turned on.


Added the filename.


Still no download option though ...


Where is the Download folder supposed to be ?

Where is Admin/Tools/System Info ?? I only have Server Info and there's no mention of DOCUMENT_ROOT


Where are the instructions for this program ?!?

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I think Linda did a great job documenting this contribution. It was a breeze to install, and preliminary tests show that free downloadable products show free shipping and free pricing and that adding something of value or weight into a cart with a free downloadable makes the free shipping/pricing options work as you would expect. Unfortunately, I cant see the downloads button either. :( At what point exactly should this download button show up and where will it be?



Admin settings - Configuration - Downloads - enabled

redirection - enabled

/download directory is in the root of the site (along with everything that was in catalog directory) and is chmod'd to 755

/pub directory also in root, with chmod 777


file uploaded. file name is 05126685-sliv_15hp_rev0.zip

file name was copy and pasted into download attribute in admin


Thanks for the mod and for the help!


Eric Price

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I am not sure if this might be the problem that you guys are having but it tokk me a while to figure this out.


It is not so obivious but very simple. My mistake was assuming you only needed a filename in the product attributes setup. I did not have a Option Name or Value.


You must add a Option Name and Option Value. They can say anything although I named my option "Download" and value "Zip".


The thing that triggers the download is having a file name in the Filename box.


Hope this helps,


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Downloads are turned on.


Added the filename.


Still no download option though ...


Where is the Download folder supposed to be ?

Where is Admin/Tools/System Info ??  I only have Server Info and there's no mention of DOCUMENT_ROOT


Where are the instructions for this program ?!?


The downloads folder is located in /catalog/download


When you add an attribute with a download just type in the filename, casesensative. Then, FTP the download to your /catalog/download folder.


The $DOCUMENT_ROOT is referred to in the two files /catalog/includes/configure.php and /admin/includes/configure.php


You want to use the real path than the reference to it.

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Admin settings - Configuration - Downloads - enabled

redirection - enabled

/download directory is in the root of the site (along with everything that was in catalog directory) and is chmod'd to 755

/pub directory also in root, with chmod 777


file uploaded. file name is 05126685-sliv_15hp_rev0.zip

file name was copy and pasted into download attribute in admin


Check your /includes/configure.php files and set the:

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/octave/public_html');


To be the path to your root.


You can look this up via the Admin ... Tools ... System Info ... search for DOCUMENT_ROOT without the $


Usually that is one of the reasons that the link does not show.

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At what point exactly should this download button show up and where will it be?


Eric Price


Sorry to have forgotten the simple question but the download link should show up on the Home ? Catalog ? My Account ? History ? Order Information


and also on the checkout success page I believe.




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Based on the orders_status ... the link will show or the red message saying pending payment.


If you see the link but cannot click it, then check the configure.php file and that the filename is entered properly in the attributes. Also make sure you FTP the download into the /catalog/download folder


Double check the chmod settings for /download 755 and /pub 777 and I use the redirect method.


Example: If your filename is fred.zip enter fred.zip not downloads/fred.zip or FrEd.zip


Avoid names like:




That really reeks havoc on many browsers especially Mac.

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if your processing the credit cards manually (not using an online cc processor) you can download the product before you actually pay... you could put any credit card number, any name, anything at all in just so it accecpts the details, and you get the product... FREE... ??


the download link shouldent be activated until the order is updated from "pending" to "delivered"


i might be wrong, is there already a way of doing this?

if not i think it should be on the urgent list of things to be adding.

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The download link is dependant on the checkout success of the order and the orders_status setting as defined in the Payment modules in the Admin.


If you put in that you are paying by credit card but never complete the order and reache the success page then you don't get a download as there is no order made.


I have it defined as orders_status >=2 (Processing) before the link shows. If you have something like moneyorder set to Pending which is orders_status 1 then the link will not show until you go to the Admin and set the order to >=2 (Processing) or whatever you defined it as.

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i've gone in and changed it to delivered in the admin..


but when i buy the product, i still get the link and the order status is now delivered insted of like pending...

it's now auto-delivered... ?


mmm i think i'm doing it wrong...

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i've tried all 3 options now, they all still allow the user to download before the order is actually processed...


all the order_status is doing is changing the order status as soon as the user confirms the order...

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Thanks to redmanmike, I now have this working.


But I notice that when I go to Top ? Catalog ? My Account ? History it says I haven't made any purchases, even though I've done at least a dozen test purchases. They were all $0 ... is this the reason ??

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i've tried all 3 options now, they all still allow the user to download before the order is actually processed...


all the order_status is doing is changing the order status as soon as the user confirms the order...


Do you have the new settings for the Downloads showing in the Admin from the sql file that was included in the Downloads Controller v5.3?

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okay, i've got it working, BUT it only half works....


if you login and goto your account, order history, in there the link is disabled until the admin processes the order..


BUT when you make the order for the first time, at the very end of the ordering process (checkout_sucess.php) you are given the success page, on this page you get the download, processed or not...


how do i fix that?

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well this looks like a great contrib :), once i get it working... :(

My problem is this

1054 - Unknown column 'orders_status_id' in 'field list'

insert into orders_status_history (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments) values ('12', '', now(), '1', 'test order what is the comments for?')


this error is on the checkout_process.php page. everything up to checkout_confirmation.php works good.


Oh i did have to make a small modification that was not included in the instructions, it was defining the TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS in catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_shipping.php before there was no heading for the comments box it just said TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS

i added this line

define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'Comments');


Please help it is 5:41am and i need to sleep...

It's a Zoo in Here, Literaly...

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I realize you guys are working on a seperate issue, but I have one related. When going to the Free Payment Module to edit it, I get this error:


call_user_func() expects first argument, 'tep_get_order_status_name', to be a valid callback in /home/woodse/woodsend-www/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1232


I can't seem to figure out how to get this one fixed. Everything else seems fine. I'm using a snapshot from mid November.

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I had the same problem you did Jordan, and if you look at your table as it is, it doesn't have 2 of the fields that error is mentioning. You are probably lacking the orders_status_id and comments fields from your orders_status_history table. What I did was just added in those 2 fields, the orders_status_id field as an int, and the comments one as text, in the orders_status_history table. Once I did that that part was fine and worked without error.

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Which version of the Downloads Controller are you guys using that you had an error with the function tep_get_order_status_name


That was not added until January is why I ask.


And if using Downloads Controller v5.3, that was made for MS1 or snapshots with orders_status setting in the Payment Modules.

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I am not sure if this might be the problem that you guys are having but it tokk me a while to figure this out.


It is not so obivious but very simple. My mistake was assuming you only needed a filename in the product attributes setup. I did not have a Option Name or Value.


You must add a Option Name and Option Value. They can say anything although I named my option "Download" and value "Zip".


The thing that triggers the download is having a file name in the Filename box.


Hope this helps,



tada. This was exactly the information I needed. If I recall this option/value was set by default. perhaps I deleted it in my overzealousness. Anyway, as soon as I reentered it the system began to work. Thanks for the help!!! Now, about something I just noticed... ok maybe in another thread


Eric Price

IR Waterjet

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I had the same problem you did Jordan, and if you look at your table as it is, it doesn't have 2 of the fields that error is mentioning. You are probably lacking the orders_status_id and comments fields from your orders_status_history table. What I did was just added in those 2 fields, the orders_status_id field as an int, and the comments one as text, in the orders_status_history table. Once I did that that part was fine and worked without error.

Thanks i added two fields in to orders_status_history they were order_status_id as int and comments as text. my site is back to working but now the orders are not getting logged in to the admin section of the site. when i go to the admin and click on customers and the orders, it shows no new orders. it does show the orders made before the install. the new orders are getting their confirmation emails. I am using cvs 2.2 downloaded in early march. i am not sure what linda means by

Which version of the Downloads Controller are you guys using that you had an error with the function tep_get_order_status_name  


That was not added until January is why I ask.  


And if using Downloads Controller v5.3, that was made for MS1 or snapshots with orders_status setting in the Payment Modules.

i have my order status settings in the admin under Localizations. and i am using DC v5.3, is this the wrong setup? What should i change to make them compatible?

It's a Zoo in Here, Literaly...

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