greasemonkey Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 @@Harald Ponce de Leon downloading now.... I'll check it later this aft....
greasemonkey Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 @@greasemonkey @@mattjt83 could you please confirm if the following fixes the positioning for you: in catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_express.php, on line 207 change from: <span id="ppECButton"></span> to: <span id="ppECButton" style="display: inline-block;"></span> (A better approach is to add a custom css file to the PayPal App) yep that works....
Harald Ponce de Leon Posted March 12, 2017 Author Posted March 12, 2017 v5.018 has just been pushed out with the support for a custom stylesheet file to be loaded on the shopping cart page. This will only be loaded if the file exists (it does not as part of the PayPal App package) and will never be modified by the App's online update routine. Documentation for the available id's and the location and filename for the custom stylesheet file can be found at: , osCommerce
♥mattjt83 Posted March 12, 2017 Posted March 12, 2017 Thank you for the update to fix the alignment @@Harald Ponce de Leon Matt
Supertex Posted April 11, 2017 Posted April 11, 2017 @@Harald Ponce de Leon Lately, I've had two instances of an order being placed, and it shows up at paypal as a paid order, but there's no record of the order in the store. If I look at the PP logs (in the app) I see the '_notify-synch' for the order with "VERIFIED" in the response...shows the cart items...amount, etc. Any idea why the order is getting deleted by the store?? I haven't updated the app because it's been working ok - still at 4.039. Any ideas? osC v2.3.1 MySQL v8.0.32 PHP v5.6.40 Installed addons: . Attribute Sets Plus .. Create Account & Manual Order Maker .. Customer Testimonials 2.3.4 .. Customer Blacklist .. Dynamic Info Pages .. FedEx Web Svcs v9 .. Filtered Sales Report .. Generic Box .. Google XML Sitemap SEO .. Maximum Order Value .. Modular Front Page .. Monthly Sales & Tax Report .. Multiple Products Manager .. Must Accept Terms & Conditions .. Order Editior .. PDF Customer Invoice .. Price in Cart Only .. Product Sort/Order .. Product Sort in Cart .. Quantity Discounts .. Restrict Delivery Methods .. SEO Header Tags - Reloaded .. Separate Pricing Per Customer .. Simpler Admin Session Length Control .. Sitemap SEO .. Show Free Ship + Modules .. Specials by Category for SPPC .. Store Mode (open|closed|maintenance) .. Store Pickup Shipping .. Theme Switcher .. Ultimate SEO URLs 5 Pro .. UPS XML Rates & Svcs 1.4 .. USPS methods 7.3.1 .. Who's Online Dashboard . Fixes: Add to cart -> 'product not found' : FIX Login issues with IE 11 : FIX Tools: Incredibly Handy: osC Xref
stefan21 Posted April 15, 2017 Posted April 15, 2017 @@headline-dbs It seems to be a bug! Can you please make a change in the following file: catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php line 599, change the PS in: .... $this->_app->getApiResult('PS', 'GetTran.... to APP, so it becomes: .... $this->_app->getApiResult('APP', 'GetTran.... Could you confirm if that works for you? It will be fixed in the next version. Coming from Jim, thank you very much for your assistance. Meanwhile I found this: http://forums.oscomm...-4#entry1750358 Did what Harald suggested. Customer has been redirected to the shop. Shopping cart is empty. Customer received an email of the order with all details. Shop-owner received all information about the deal. In the PP-account the deal was confirmed and all right. Seems to work now. Would be nice to get some confirmation of other users. I don't want anybody to get me wrong, but IMVHO this should be fixed soon. It's all about money... Regards, stefan
stefan21 Posted April 18, 2017 Posted April 18, 2017 @@Harald Ponce de Leon, I'm receiving a message from PP about the instant payment verification: Could you tell me what this is about? The PDT is set, also the notification in the PP account settings, transaction and all notifications seems to be o.k. afaik... Regards, stefan PayPal-Warnung "Sofortige Zahlungsbestätigung"Von: service@@paypal.deDatum: 18.04.2017 (07:13:02 CEST)An: XXX[text/plain] Text (1 KB)Guten Tag XXX !Bitte überprüfen Sie den Server, der für sofortige Zahlungsbestätigungen von PayPal zuständig ist. Sofortige Zahlungsbestätigungen an den/die folgende(n) URL(s) sind fehlgeschlagen: Sie diese URL nicht erkennen, nutzen Sie vielleicht einen Serviceprovider, der die sofortige Zahlungsbestätigung in Ihrem Namen verwendet. Bitte wenden Sie sich mit den oben genannten Informationen an Ihren Serviceprovider. Wenn dieses Problem weiterhin besteht, könnten die sofortigen Zahlungsbestätigungen für Ihr Konto deaktiviert werden.Wir bedanken uns für die rasche Erledigung dieser Angelegenheit.Herzliche GrüßeIhr PayPal-TeamSCHÜTZEN SIE IHR PASSWORTGeben Sie Ihr Passwort NIEMALS an andere Personen weiter, auch nicht an Mitarbeiter von PayPal. Schützen Sie sich vor betrügerischen Websites, indem Sie ein neues Browserfenster (z.B. in Internet Explorer oder Netscape) öffnen und die PayPal-URL jedes Mal eingeben, wenn Sie sich in Ihr Konto einloggen.Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail. Um mit einem Mitarbeiter unseres Kundenservice zu sprechen, klicken Sie auf "Hilfe und Kontakt ".Copyright © 1999–2017 PayPal. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Société en Commandite par Actions. Eingetragener Firmensitz: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, RCS Luxembourg B 118 349
stefan21 Posted April 18, 2017 Posted April 18, 2017 Additional information: The log in the PP app shows: PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 18/04/2017 08:35:33 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 18/04/2017 08:25:11 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 18/04/2017 07:48:50 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 18/04/2017 07:36:19 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 22:09:00 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 22:08:25 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 22:07:38 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 22:07:03 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 22:05:56 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 21:12:51 PS _notify-validate [iPN] Guest 17/04/2017 21:02:29 Is this normal behaviour? Regards. stefan
stefan21 Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 I have to push this up again. Coming up once per day: Guten Tag xxx!Bitte überprüfen Sie den Server, der für sofortige Zahlungsbestätigungen von PayPal zuständig ist. Sofortige Zahlungsbestätigungen an den/die folgende(n) URL(s) sind fehlgeschlagen: Sie diese URL nicht erkennen, nutzen Sie vielleicht einen Serviceprovider, der die sofortige Zahlungsbestätigung in Ihrem Namen verwendet. Bitte wenden Sie sich mit den oben genannten Informationen an Ihren Serviceprovider. Wenn dieses Problem weiterhin besteht, könnten die sofortigen Zahlungsbestätigungen für Ihr Konto deaktiviert werden.Wir bedanken uns für die rasche Erledigung dieser Angelegenheit.Herzliche GrüßeIhr PayPal-TeamSCHÜTZEN SIE IHR PASSWORTGeben Sie Ihr Passwort NIEMALS an andere Personen weiter, auch nicht an Mitarbeiter von PayPal. Schützen Sie sich vor betrügerischen Websites, indem Sie ein neues Browserfenster (z.B. in Internet Explorer oder Netscape) öffnen und die PayPal-URL jedes Mal eingeben, wenn Sie sich in Ihr Konto einloggen.Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail. Um mit einem Mitarbeiter unseres Kundenservice zu sprechen, klicken Sie auf "Hilfe und Kontakt ".Copyright © 1999–2017 PayPal. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Société en Commandite par Actions. Eingetragener Firmensitz: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, RCS Luxembourg B 118 349PayPal PPX000686:d556522dea6d9 Any explanations?
stefan21 Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 Some more info from apache: URL Requested Referrer IP Number User Agent HTTP Error /ext/modules/payment/paypal/standard_ipn.php PayPal IPN ( ) 503 503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unavailable (overloaded or down) Anybody? Harald? Regards, stefan
stefan21 Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 While googling around, I finally found the solution: As far as I understand, (German) oscommerce installations hosted by STRATO are affected. Sorry for bothering or wasting someones time. Regards, srefan
bedfordch Posted April 26, 2017 Posted April 26, 2017 @Harald Ponce de Leon: for Paypal App (contribution version PayPal App v5.018 in catalog/includes/apps/paypal/admin/actions/balance/retrieve.php line 34: add utf8-encode: $ppBalanceResult['balance'][$ppBalanceResponse['L_CURRENCYCODE' . $counter]] = utf8_encode($balance); Otherwise there is no result at all as the resulting json is bad formatted and generates empty list. OSC 2.2RC2a, default charset=iso-8859-1, PHP 7.0.10 Also the updates don't work on fresh install, the code still use deprecated syntax: Still old constructor syntax is used (juste generate warning for now) and $HTTP_POST_VARS/$HTTP_GET_VARS instead of $_POST/$_GET (this syntax doesn't work anymore in PHP 7, not allowing updates and code to run at all). Regards
Guest Posted May 22, 2017 Posted May 22, 2017 Noticed that if the browser is zoomed in to 120% the PayPal Iframe checkout button, in shopping cart, is distorted. Any suggestions on how to correct?
♥Moxamint Posted July 9, 2017 Posted July 9, 2017 @Harald Ponce de Leon Hi, I am having some issues when using PayPal Standard with the latest PayPal APP. I am running osC BS Edge and have recently upgraded PayPal APP from v4.039 to v5.018. Because my server is on PHP v7.0.14 so I had to modify the following 19 files to make the "deprecated constructor" warning message go away in PayPal APP: includes\apps\paypal\cfg_params\ssl_version.php includes\apps\paypal\cfg_params\transactions_order_status_id.php includes\apps\paypal\hooks\admin\orders\tab.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\DP\DP.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\EC\cfg_params\checkout_flow.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\EC\cfg_params\incontext_button_color.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\EC\cfg_params\incontext_button_shape.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\EC\cfg_params\incontext_button_size.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\EC\cfg_params\transaction_method.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\EC\EC.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\HS\HS.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\LOGIN\LOGIN.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\PS\cfg_params\prepare_order_status_id.php includes\apps\paypal\modules\PS\PS.php includes\modules\content\login\cm_paypal_login.php includes\modules\payment\paypal_express.php includes\modules\payment\paypal_pro_dp.php includes\modules\payment\paypal_pro_hs.php includes\modules\payment\paypal_standard.php All test purchases went through. Payments were received OK. However, I always received TWO confirmation e-mails with two different, continuous order IDs for each order. Only the smaller order ID number would be registered in admin/order. The customer's comments would only show in the e-mail with larger order ID number, but disappeared in admin/order. This phenomenon occurred either when only IPN or PDT was enabled, or both IPN and PDT were enabled. It looks to me the following two files are both sending out order confirmation e-mails: ext\modules\payment\paypal\standard_ipn.php includes\modules\payment\paypal_standard.php It would be great if anyone can give me a direction on how to fix this issue of mine. Thanks in advance for your time and help. Cheers, Eddy
DIdge Rob Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 Hi, Is 3D secure catered for on the Hosted Solution? If not is there an amendment available? Not sure if its dealt with by simply using the hosted solution process or not! Thanks very much! Cheers Rob
tgely Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 @Moxamint Comments fix: includes/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php Find: tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL, $sql_data_array); } after insert: //comment fix? $sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $insert_id, 'orders_status_id' => $order->info['order_status'], 'date_added' => 'now()', 'customer_notified' => 0, // is it from session? $customer_notification = 1; 'comments' => $order->info['comments']); tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, $sql_data_array); // comment fix? Higher status update could be an issue with order_status number. Could you check is it registered in orders table with order_status = 0? osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.
clustersolutions Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 I'm testing Paypal Standard, and I it seems that if the PDT is setup then it does not use IPN. Is that true? Thx for your help! Tim
♥Moxamint Posted July 24, 2017 Posted July 24, 2017 @Gergely Thanks I'll give it a try and report back. I have a new finding, though, that anything I changed in PayPal website would take a while to kick in. I'll try turn off PDT again and see what's gonna happen. Also @clustersolutions by looking at the code in <<paypal_standard.php>> IPN seems to be loaded anyway regardless the setting in your PayPal account - can anyone advise on this? Cheers, Eddy
clustersolutions Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 @moxamint, I think its the other way around, the IPN "requires" the paypal_standard.php. I actually disabled IPN in my sandbox facilitator account, and is now using only the PDT post back. I think this helps bound the problem that I am working on solving. Also, it kinda goes like this if you are using Paypal Standard. 1) Paypal redirects to checkout_process.php after successful payment completion. 2) Checkout_process.php execute couple Paypal Standard Methods and it will finish/branch off at the before_process() method. Now, I have no idea where the process() method went but we do have a before_process() and after_process() methods. I need to hack in CCVG's coupon code and store credit, and I think I am just gonna pass the whole order_total_module object as json data through the pass through variable for the final update. Keeping things simple. Oh, I think Paypal prefer the use of PDT instead of IPN....I think.
clustersolutions Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Damn, no dice! The pass-thru only allow 256bytes.
♥Moxamint Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 On 2017/7/24 at 1:42 AM, Gergely said: Comments fix: includes/modules/payment/paypal_standard.php Find: tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL, $sql_data_array); } after insert: //comment fix? $sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $insert_id, 'orders_status_id' => $order->info['order_status'], 'date_added' => 'now()', 'customer_notified' => 0, // is it from session? $customer_notification = 1; 'comments' => $order->info['comments']); tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY, $sql_data_array); // comment fix? Higher status update could be an issue with order_status number. Could you check is it registered in orders table with order_status = 0? @Gergely I placed an order after added the above code, and the order_status in orders table was 5, of which number is assigned to "Verified [PayPal]" Thanks, Eddy
tgely Posted July 27, 2017 Posted July 27, 2017 @Moxamint Look after in admin orders status menu. There are the status list with status id numbers. Have you solved the two email problem? osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.
♥Moxamint Posted July 28, 2017 Posted July 28, 2017 @Gergely I did not see any order_status value being zero. The two-email issue remains. Also my product stock was deducted twice. My currently setup in my PayPal account has only IPN turned on. I am going to roll back my PayPal APP to version v4.039 and start over. Thanks, Eddy
clustersolutions Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 @moxamint u disabled IPN in your paypal setting? Or trying disabling PDT. Let's see how many emails you get.
♥Moxamint Posted July 29, 2017 Posted July 29, 2017 10 minutes ago, clustersolutions said: @moxamint u disabled IPN in your paypal setting? Or trying disabling PDT. Let's see how many emails you get. I have IPN on only. PDT is off. I am receiving 2 e-mails all the time - one from <<ext\modules\payment\paypal\standard_ipn.php>> and the other one from <<includes\modules\payment\paypal_standard.php>>. Thanks, Eddy
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