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PayPal App for osCommerce Online Merchant

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@@headline-dbs That's not what I meant. In the settings for the Standard module there is a PDT setting. You have to enable that option in your paypal account and copy the string the display into that setting.

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@@headline-dbs That's not what I meant. In the settings for the Standard module there is a PDT setting. You have to enable that option in your paypal account and copy the string the display into that setting.

Okay, I'll try it out. Thank you!

Still does not work.

For this I have determined that even in the sandbox mode the shopping cart is not empty if the product name contains an umlaut (German language / ä, ü, ö, ...).

  • 3 months later...

I see that there is a new version of the app in the addons area, but when looking through the files I see no upgrade instructions. Is it something I have missed, or is there no instructions.





Go to Admin -> Paypal -> Configure and it says "An update is available for this App!" with a button that says "View Update".


That's the beauty of Apps


  :heart: , osCommerce  :)

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:


So the update will tell me what files have been changed before or after I click the apply update button.


My worry is that automatic updates rarely work as expected and should a problem occur I want to be able to find what files were changed and how. Does the apply update also allow me to automatically revert back to the older version should there be a problem. I would hope so as the site is live and very busy and the last thing I need is down time from a payment module.


Failing that I think its best left alone as its working fine as it is.



Latest Paypal App version uses;


mixture of hardcoded filenames (good) and FILENAME_* (poor)

mixture of _* (good) and HTTP_*_VARS (poor)

mixture of hardcoded paths (good) and DIR_WS_* (poor)


If you are running an Edge that does not have /includes/filenames.php

then you should;


a. wait until this App is part of Responsive Core (which means "a" is also done as if by magic) [best option]


b. wait until this version is re-released with up-to-date code [second best option]


c. install this version and when your site breaks...cry [third best option]


d. install compatibility module [least best option]


One of the above options is facetious, the other three are not.




a. wait until this App is part of Responsive Core (which means "a" is also done as if by magic) [best option]


a It is then. If it aint broke leave it alone.


Thanks for making that clear



The updates are for our v2.3 release series and are not compatible with v2.4(beta) or BS/EDGE. Updates for the v2.4 release series will be taken care of as a core feature, not as a per-app feature, with the integration of the upcoming Apps Marketplace.


A list of files that have changed between App updates will not be provided as Apps are self-contained and should not be locally modified (unless coded to support customizations). This is to keep the update procedure as simple as possible. There are a lot of file and directory permission checks being performed before the first file is even copied to your website installation - if these vigorous checks pass, then the update will occur without a problem. It is impossible to perform an update if a file permission problem has been detected - in these cases, a list of the files that need their permissions changed will be displayed.

:heart:, osCommerce


@@Harald Ponce de Leon

I've been watching the posts relating to the PayPal App, v5, updates, and now I'm confused.


I'm Running 2.3 BS Gold, and the PayPal app v4.039 tells me an update is available, as detailed in the admin dashboard.

(now there are 3 updates, v5.000, v5.001, v5.010)


However, you state that:


"The updates are for our v2.3 release series and are not compatible with v2.4(beta) or BS/EDGE"


So I interpret this to mean if you are using 2.3.4 (no BS) then update the App.

if using the BS edge/gold don't update the app, even if the code tells you an update is available!

if using the 2.4(beta) don't update the app


Hope you can clarify.




osC CE live - developing osC Phoenix adding modules with no core changes(awesome and easy!)


​Hi Mike..


So I interpret this to mean if you are using 2.3.4 (no BS) then update the App.

if using the BS edge/gold don't update the app, even if the code tells you an update is available!

if using the 2.4(beta) don't update the app


The PayPal App for osCommerce Online Merchant has only been developed and certified for our v2.3 (and earlier) and v2.4(beta) release series.


The PayPal App for v2.3 has been added to the BS/EDGE community release series, which is not compatible with the v2.3 release series. I'd suggest waiting until the App has been updated for BS/EDGE and performing the update manually.


There is currently no update for our v2.4 release series as the update feature has moved to the core level and has not yet been pushed out in a v2.4 beta release (this is coming soon).


If everything is working for you on BS/EDGE, I'd recommend waiting for the production ready release of v2.4 (coming at the end of March) and moving to that. There will be a push to move existing v2.3 and BS/EDGE users to v2.4 once the production ready release is pushed out.


Users currently on v2.3 will experience no problems updating the PayPal App.

:heart:, osCommerce


@@Harald Ponce de Leon


Thanks for your work on this app Harald! I updated mine the last two times which was no problem. I had to update my payment modules manually after the update though because of custom code. Do you have a change log or a link to the changes on git for this latest update so that I know what will be needed to manually update again?



Hi Matt..


Do you have a change log or a link to the changes on git for this latest update so that I know what will be needed to manually update again?


Sure do :) 


v4.039 to v5.000



v5.000 to v5.001



v5.001 to v5.010



You can combine version numbers in the url, eg


v5.000 to v5.010


:heart:, osCommerce



If everything is working for you on BS/EDGE, I'd recommend waiting for the production ready release of v2.4 (coming at the end of March) and moving to that. There will be a push to move existing v2.3 and BS/EDGE users to v2.4 once the production ready release is pushed out.


@@Harald Ponce de Leon

Thanks for confirming this, I'll wait for V2.4, which I'm playing with at the moment... when time permits




osC CE live - developing osC Phoenix adding modules with no core changes(awesome and easy!)


v5.011 has just been pushed out with a compatibility layer for v2.3.4 BS Community Edition.


It is safe to update from v4.039 or later version.


If you'd like to apply the update sooner, visit the PayPal App -> Info/Help page and the online update notification should appear.

:heart:, osCommerce


@@wHiTeHaT could you create a screencast of the API Retrieval failing for your client and send me a link via email? The only error message I have on my side is an internal service error from PayPal - that could be the reason for receiving an rpcStatus of -110. If PayPal can see the problem occurring in a video, it can help see what the actual problem is. Thanks!

:heart:, osCommerce


The problem Henry experienced has been solved.


If the PayPal Seller account has a API Certificate already set up, the API Signature cannot be used as the API Certificate already exists (PayPal only allows either a API Signature or API Certificate to be used). Removing the API Certificate from the PayPal account allows the Retrieve Credentials procedure in the osCommerce PayPal App to work and retrieve the API Credentials.


It's not necessary to create the API Signature at PayPal, the Retrieve Credentials procedure will automatically do this for you.

:heart:, osCommerce


In an osCommerce 2.3.4 install, attempting to update to version 5.011 of the Paypal App reslults in an error message:



Could not start the procedure to download v5.011. Please try again.


Trying again results in the same error. Upgrades on this site worked up through 5.010, so it's just this version that's a problem.




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This was a dev site. It's still returning the same error. I tried four different live sites (all running on the same server) and all return the same error. All of the live sites were previously updated to 5.010, while the dev site was updated all at once from an old v4 version. In the case of the dev site, the first 3 of the 5.x version updates ran with no problem, then it errored out on the 5.011.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


@@kymation I can't repeat it and see others successfully downloading the update packages.


Could you perhaps check if any PHP errors are being logged on your side? The following code can log PHP errors to a file:



ini_set('log_errors', true);
ini_set('error_log', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/work/errors-' . date('Ymd') . '.txt');


(the work directory needs to be writable by the web server)

:heart:, osCommerce


The PHP error log is already set up for all sites on this server. I just wiped the log and attempted the update multiple times on each of four sites. The error log remains blank.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


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