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cash on delivery by post module


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Hi again!

I've been searching for a cash on delivery by post module that automaticly add a section for this on the invoice, and a fee, that is possible to change to whatever i want.


Anyone know of any? Or have made one?




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it will be helpfull if you give a full description how, what you want.


I'm sorry but i'm also not sure what you want EXACTLY, is it only for COD (like a special future), and keep the other payments intact ?


I'm willing to help but need help to do so ;)



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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It's almost what I want.


But it don't add the charge to the total sum.


I want the Payment Type Charge to be added to the total-price.


It's like this now:


Sub-Total: 2.356,00NOK

Posten, Servicepakke (Beste valg): 60,00NOK // Deliverymetode (Norwegian Postalservice)

Herav moms: 456,00NOK ( The VAT in Norway)

Total: 2.416,00NOK

Postoppkrav: 44,00NOK ( The payment Charger)


I want it to be:


Sub-Total: 2.356,00NOK

Herav moms: 456,00NOK ( The VAT in Norway)

Posten, Servicepakke (Beste valg): 60,00NOK // Deliverymetode (Norwegian Postalservice)

Postoppkrav: 44,00NOK ( The payment Charger)

Total: 2.460,00NOK


Is there a solution for this?

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Sorry, lost you when I couldnt figure out your example (language barrier)


At any rate, my question is similar.


How do I just add a flat fee for COD orders?


I have tried the "order total" COD contribution, but it just not working for me. That is, it does not add the amount I enter..


Can you guys help?

Full Speed Ahead, Damn the Torpedoes!

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