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The e-commerce.

HELPP!!! OScommerce Suddenly stopped working!


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OScommmerce is great, I love it,


But today all my oscommerce sites crashed



It hangs on the last page of my order form.


My sites are




It hangs on this page...



I usually get 10-15 orders a day but today I havent got any and a customer alerted me to the order form hanging on the last step.


Does anyone know how I can fix this?


Thanks in advance.

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I just placed a test order using NS7 on the generator site and it seems fine. What exactly seems to be happening? What browser are they using when it happens?

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You're welcome! All I did was place a test order.....Send a nice big donation to the osCommerce team, they wrote great software.

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I'm hoping someone can help me with this.


OsCom was working fine, but tonight when testing and going through the check out the following occurred:


After choosing your method of payment and clicking continue you're taken to the following page:




... and the screen says "Query was empty" three times, TEP stopped. If you then click on the "back" button and click continue again the order is processed.


This happens after each new log in (even by the same user) ... but does not seem to happen again after the first time of the user session.

Holig Raile

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Note: second order went without a hitch.


Closing the browser and starting fresh ... broke it again.


Clicking Back ... then continue fixed it.


Not sure if these clues might help you.

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I noticed the same thing too ...


I tried clearing cookies and history out of my browser. I've tried this with IE6 and IE5 (I have two different computers to test from fortunately) and this still seems to be the case of the above "bug".


Is there more info I can provide to help someone help us?


The really odd thing is that this was working a few months ago (ie: This error was not occuring) when I had to put the project on hold until just recently.


This is a snapshot from November 2002, with a few contributions:

Minimum Order

Gift Voucher

Printed Catalog

... there may be another one or two, just can't remember off hand and my notes have dissappeared :(



Holig Raile

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This issue seems to be related to the Gift Voucher contrib ... great contrib but it seems to have been the culprit in this scenario. Fortunately Ian Wilson solved the problem for someone else and I applied that fix to my site ...


See this post:


for the suggested fix ... it works :)



Holig Raile

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Yes ... 4.3.1 to be exact :(


I hope this is the only major issue with it ... although I do have a very strange layout problem at the moment now. I can't seem to figure it out.


Briefly, I've also added the contrib for a quantity add to cart (that doesn't make much sense but seeing it will clear up this description) and now that I've added items that have "attributes / options" my layout goes "off" ??


Specific examples being the "Rings" being sold ...


Perhaps a new thread is in order, too ?



Holig Raile

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Here are some samples, the following being good:




and this next one being "off" :wink:




... an extra set of <table></table> tags were used in the Product Description to even get this look, without the added tags the whole page's layout is completely different from the first sample ... note that the second sample uses product options, ie: Ring Size.



Holig Raile

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