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The e-commerce.

How do I set up an account to deposit payments?


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Bear with me, I'm just starting out. It seems like I have everything set up but in the Credit Card options of the Payment module it does not appear like there is any way to set up a card or account for payments to go to. How do I specify where the money my customers is going to? Thanks so much for your help!!!




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You need to have a business bank account and have a Merchant Account. I would suggest doing a google search for merchant account providers.

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The credit card module that comes with a default osCommerce install is for manual credit card processing. It is not a live system. To process credit cards live (where the money gets transferred to your account) you are going to have to use a Merchant Account/Gateway provider.


osCommerce comes with some modules installed (authorize.net, psigate) however there are also many contributions for other gateways.


Which one you choose really depends on your location/budget.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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LOTS of threads about this subject,

if i only knew where to start then i would post a link


the best i can do is this



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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