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The e-commerce.

Displaying MB's instead of PRICE


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Hi, please dont flame at me for bringing this topic here. suppose i could put it anywhere but this seems most logical place.


Now to my question:

I am a film maker and i want to sell movies i make on cd. But my movies are only about 300mb max long. is there a way in oscommerce to count the amount of mb's instead of the price? that would be alot more fait to my costumers.


thnx in advanced,


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So you sell nn movies on 1 cd? Why not use the MODEL field to note the amount of MB's, do a check in shopping_cart.php to see how many movies fit on a 800 mb cd?

"Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them"

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yea i want to give the costumer worth for its money so instead of paying for 2cd's they get it on one wich is cheaper for them and makes them more happy. altough i dont really know how to edit those files. could you give me a hand with that?


thnx for your reply and best regards,


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lol i burn my movies on 2-4 cd's DVD->SVCD


still waiting on the expected price drop this summer on DVD writers



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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I'm pretty sure this would work ok....


Use the shipping charge for the cost of the cd and the shipping of it. Then set the weight of the products to the mb of the film. Then set the shipping charges based on the mb ranges that will fit on a cd.


An example:


Video = 300mb @ ?3 (Set product weight to 300)


CD's cost ?5 each


Shipping weight of 0-600 costs ?5 (i.e. 1 cd)

Shipping weight of 601-1200 costs ?10 (i.e. 2cd)


- 1 x video = ?3 and ?5 shipping (300mb = 1 cd)= ?8

- 3 x video = ?9 and ?10 shipping (900mb = 2 cd) = ?19


You wouldn't be able to have a seperate shipping charge, though you would build this in to the cd / shipping price combined.


Hope this makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't.




PS I have to ask....what kind of movies do you make?

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I'm pretty sure this would work ok....  


Use the shipping charge for the cost of the cd and the shipping of it. Then set the weight of the products to the mb of the film. Then set the shipping charges based on the mb ranges that will fit on a cd.  


An example:  


Video = 300mb @ ?3 (Set product weight to 300)  


CD's cost ?5 each  


Shipping weight of 0-600 costs ?5 (i.e. 1 cd)  

Shipping weight of 601-1200 costs ?10 (i.e. 2cd)  


- 1 x video = ?3 and ?5 shipping (300mb = 1 cd)= ?8  

- 3 x video = ?9 and ?10 shipping (900mb = 2 cd) = ?19  


You wouldn't be able to have a seperate shipping charge, though you would build this in to the cd / shipping price combined.  


Hope this makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't.  




PS I have to ask....what kind of movies do you make?


jon_l thnx so much for comming up with a decent reply. i guess indeed this would work but what files need to be changes in order to set the weight to auto calculate how much cd's will be orderd?


I think i get it... at least... almost. no im kinda lost now. what if someone orders 1 cd. then the shipping costs is 5 pounds, but if he orders like 6 cd's then it will be waaay higher and not supposed to be that mich right?


Once again i want to thank you for thinking with me here. and about my movies in in theater school and i make movies for people who do musicals. i record there shows and then they can buy the recordings. dont know if its gonna work but at least i could try :wink: cuz alot ask me to have a copy of a movie i make.


Highest regards,


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I'm guessing that you have two charges for the customer: the film and the cd. So they will be charged a variable amount for each film, and then a fixed amount for each cd.


If you only want to charge on a film basis then my suggestion will not work.


You could change the text of shipping to something more suitable, e.g. blank cd's + shipping.


It is a work around, and not a perfect method, so there will be some minor issues.



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thank you for helping me jon. maybe that would work. butit could also be very hard to understand for the cosutmers. im gonna try and write a contribution for this. and if its done i will post it here. Thnx again Jon. your help is much appriciated.


Highest regards,


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