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Mail Manager for OSC v2.3


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Mail Manager for OSCommerce v2.3 is now available in the add-ons.

Mail Manager is designed to:


1) Send all emails in html with a text alternative. With Mail Manager all emails can be created in html complete with images, links, logos, etc. This includes order confirmation, create account, password forgotten, status update, newsletters and tell-a-friend emails

2) Allow editing all of emails from the Admin, and for creating html templates that can be applied to all emails for a consistent and professional look.

3) Adds a special post sales follow-up email to send to customers who have recently made a purchase complete with images, descriptions, links of purchased products, links to leave product reviews, and if the Xsell module  is installed, images, descriptions and links to recommended products. 

4) Mail Manager adds product images to the customer initiated tell_a_friend email.

5) A search feature is added to the admin email that makes it simple to locate a customer and send them note, etc on a templated html email.

6) Control the rate, or speed, that emails are sent. This allows shops on shared web-hosting account to send large mailings without exceeding band-width limitations.

7) Target for newsletters and mailings any group of customers or mailing list entries that can be identified by php queries. For example you could create a mailing to customers who have purchased a certain product and who live in a single postal code. 


Download includes fully functional and editable example newsletters and templates.

Oscommerce site:



OSC to CSS, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7263 -Mail Manager, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8120

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  • 3 weeks later...


SQL query:


-- Add a new field to existing table 'customers'


ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter` -- --------------------------------------------------------


-- Table structure for table `mm_bulkmail`



`bulkmail_id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

`title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`htmlcontent` text NOT NULL ,

`txtcontent` text NOT NULL ,

`date_added` datetime NOT NULL ,

`date_sent` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,

PRIMARY KEY ( `bulkmail_id` )



MySQL said: dot.gif

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mm_bulkmail` (

  `bulkmail_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO' at line 12


something needs fixing cant execute sql

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SQL query:


-- Add a new field to existing table 'customers'


ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter` -- --------------------------------------------------------


-- Table structure for table `mm_bulkmail`



`bulkmail_id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

`title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`htmlcontent` text NOT NULL ,

`txtcontent` text NOT NULL ,

`date_added` datetime NOT NULL ,

`date_sent` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,

PRIMARY KEY ( `bulkmail_id` )



MySQL said: dot.gif

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mm_bulkmail` (

  `bulkmail_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO' at line 12


something needs fixing cant execute sql



I opted not to waist my time with troubleshooting this and deleted it from the sql update. Then inserted it manually, should go smoothly after that.


Great contribution too, loveing the templates. Only problem im having is it wont send these templates out in html format. I've tried enabling MIME HTML sending of emails to no avail. If anyone has the solution to this that would be nice. Judging by the code it doesnt take into account any configuration settings which is A Ok with me.

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SQL query:


-- Add a new field to existing table 'customers'


ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter` -- --------------------------------------------------------


-- Table structure for table `mm_bulkmail`



`bulkmail_id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,

`title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

`htmlcontent` text NOT NULL ,

`txtcontent` text NOT NULL ,

`date_added` datetime NOT NULL ,

`date_sent` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,

PRIMARY KEY ( `bulkmail_id` )



MySQL said: dot.gif

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mm_bulkmail` (

  `bulkmail_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO' at line 12


something needs fixing cant execute sql



More specifically, the error is being thrown because of the table editing of the customers table, so remove the code below from the sql query and then manually create the field with PHPMyadmin




-- Add a new field to existing table 'customers'


ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter` -- --------------------------------------------------------



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  • 1 month later...

just got a quick question for you?


i have installed this and now im at the stage of testing...


i don't know how to explain it but i will give it ago


i getting the contents of the email twice in the one email?


dose that make scene ?


i have saved my email as a pdf and i will upload it for you too see  http://autestserver.info/help.pdf


any help please

Edited by mirageco
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  • 3 weeks later...



SQL Statement from the downloads is missing the delimiter on line 4


ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter`

should be

ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter`;

Edited by newburns
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Step three of the instructions needs alteration:

3. Open catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php, add:
//Mail Manager define('EMAIL_TEXT_CONFIRM', 'has recommended');
define('TEXT_FROM', 'from');

Should be

3. Open catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php, add:
//Mail Manager definitions 
  define('EMAIL_TEXT_CONFIRM', 'has recommended');
  define('TEXT_FROM', 'from');
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I really like this addon.

Any way to have a different editor to choose from. That way you can toggle source, or WYSIWYG?


There is a missing language definition:

/* Mail Manager -- http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/397966-mail-manager-for-osc-v23/ */
  define('BOX_HEADING_MAIL_MANAGER', 'Mail Manager');
  define('BOX_MM_BULKMAIL', 'BulkMail Manager');
  define('BOX_MM_TEMPLATES', 'Template Manager');
  define('BOX_MM_EMAIL', 'Send Email');
  define('BOX_MM_RESPONSEMAIL', 'Response Mail');

should be

/* Mail Manager -- http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/397966-mail-manager-for-osc-v23/ */
  define('BOX_HEADING_MAIL_MANAGER', 'Mail Manager');
  define('BOX_MM_BULKMAIL', 'BulkMail Manager');
  define('BOX_MM_TEMPLATES', 'Template Manager');
  define('BOX_MM_EMAIL', 'Send Email');
  define('BOX_MM_RESPONSEMAIL', 'Response Mail');
  define('BOX_TOOLS_MAIL_MANAGER', 'Mail Manager');

This is step number 4. Or, change the array "title" definition in step 9 from






Lastly, when you go into the "Response Mail" option, and hit back, it returns you to the Bulk Newsletter option instead of the root Mail Manager. Not sure what that could be, but you have to select back twice from the "Response Menu" in order to get back to the root "Mail Manager"

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Change to 



Find around line 363:

</td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="main"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MM_RESPONSEMAIL, 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] . '&nID=' . $nInfo->mail_id . '&action=test') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_test.gif', 'test') . '</a>

change to

</td></tr></table><table><tr><td class="main"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MM_RESPONSEMAIL, 'page=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] . '&nID=' . $nInfo->mail_id . '&action=test') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_send.gif', 'test') . '</a>

The newer and 2.3.4 doesn't have the button_test.gif. 

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Missing the ../catalog/includes/languages/english/tell_a_friend.php language definitions:

// Mail Manager
  define('TEXT_RECOMMEND', 'has recommended');
  define('TEXT_FROM', 'from the');
// EOF Mail Manager

And the ../catalog/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php has the wrong definition in step 3

// Mail Manager 
  define('EMAIL_TEXT_CONFIRM', 'New Order from ');
//  define('TEXT_FROM', 'from');
// EOF Mail Manager
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  • 2 weeks later...

@@AdiJan  Log into cPanel and under databases, go to phpMyAdmin.  Once you're in there and you can see your database tables listed on the left, click on the SQL tab and paste the contents of the SQL file in there and click Go.


If you have a problem with phpMyAdmin complaining about a 1064 syntax error or something like that, try sticking a semi-colon at the end of the first query so that it reads:

ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `mmstatus` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `customers_newsletter`;

Try copying and pasting just that one line in on its own and clicking Go.


If that works, you can then copy in the rest of the SQL file (without that line) and click Go.

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This sounds like a fantastic add-on that has been something I have wanted to customize for a very long time.  I just upgraded my site and I need to replace my old Newsletter program.  I am considering utilizing this Mail Manager.  However, can someone please tell me if the newsletter feature of this add-on includes code that allows the recipients to unsubscribe so that we stay compliant with anti-spam requirements?

Anthony David


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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems the mail manager is using outdated variables. I'm assuming this is a 2.3.4 thing, so if you experience issues with the variables not parsing in the Forgotten Password email, you mush change:



/* **Altered for Mail Manager**
        tep_mail($check_customer['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $check_customer['customers_lastname'], $email_address, EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT, sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_BODY, $reset_key_url), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
	if (file_exists(DIR_WS_MODULES.'mail_manager/password_forgotten.php')){
	  tep_mail($check_customer['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $check_customer['customers_lastname'], $email_address, EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT, sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_BODY, $reset_key_url), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
/* **End of alterations for Mail Manager** */



$new_password has been changed to $reset_key_url


These same variables MUST be changed in ./catalog/includes/modules/mail_manager/password_forgotten.php


Once I finish testing everything with Mail manager, I'll have it installed in my GitHUB master


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In the example templates that are included in the mail manager, you will find that an unsubscribe link is included that when the recipient of that email clicks on it, it will send an email to you with the word 'unsubscribe' in subject line. You will then have to manually remove that subscriber from your mailing list. 


The code for this is basic html, just be sure in the email you send out you have something like this:

<p style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; color: #999999; margin: 10px;"> To be removed from this mailing list click <a href="mailto:unsubscribe@[member=yourwebsite].com?subject=Unsubscribe&body=Please%20remove%20my%20email%20from%20your%20list" ><u>here</u></a></p>

In this example, you would need to make sure that 'unsubscribe@@yourwebsite.com' is a valid email account you receive. It could be anything such as

'[email protected]' as long as it is a valid email you have set up.

Oscommerce site:



OSC to CSS, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7263 -Mail Manager, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8120

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Good catch on the variables in password_forgotten.php.   You can add this correction to the mail manager contribution, or if you find anymore corrections post them back here and I will add them to the contribution. 



Oscommerce site:



OSC to CSS, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7263 -Mail Manager, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8120

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Still having problems with the image for tell_a_friend.php


I don't think this is the right way to pull the image URL

$product_image = tep_image($image_urlfix.DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image_med'], $product_info['products_name'], '', '', '');

Still looking for a different way to get the image URL

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